Page 687 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 687

652 SECTION | IX Gases, Solvents and Other Industrial Toxicants  ethanol (Berger and Ayyar, 1981). However, EG is  is a consistent finding in animals producing urine (Grauer
                                                                et al., 1984; Thrall et al., 1984b). As mentioned
             biotransformed to highly toxic metabolites that results in
                                                                previously, renal toxicity may also be due to the cytotox-
             severe metabolic acidosis and acute renal failure, hall-
             marks of EG poisoning (Thrall et al., 1984b; Dial et al.,  icity of other EG metabolites. Renal failure is evident
             1994a,b; Davis et al., 1997). EG is initially oxidized  by 36 72 h following ingestion in dogs and by 12 24 h
             to glycoaldehyde by ADH, and glycoaldehyde is then  following ingestion in cats. Anuria often develops
             oxidized to glycolic acid, and then to glyoxylic   72 96 h after ingestion. The kidneys are often swollen
             acid (Fig. 49.2). Glyoxylic acid is primarily converted to  and painful, particularly in cats. The three stages of acute
             oxalic acid but may follow other metabolic pathways; end  EG toxicity may overlap depending on the amount of
             products may also include glycine, formic acid, hippuric  EG ingested. Delayed neurological symptoms, though
             acid, oxalomalic acid, and benzoic acid. Oxalic acid  uncommon, may present.
             forms calcium oxalate crystals with calcium. Cats are
             unusually sensitive to EG due to their high baseline pro-
             duction of oxalic acid (LaKind et al., 1999).      Early Laboratory Abnormalities
                                                                Abnormal laboratory findings can be divided into those
             Mechanism of Action                                associated with early EG intoxication, which may be
                                                                related to the presence of EG per se or to its toxic meta-
             EG and its first metabolite, glycoaldehyde, are mainly
                                                                bolites, and those associated with late EG intoxication,
             responsible for CNS toxicity (LaKind et al., 1999). The
                                                                most of which are related to renal failure. Early abnormal-
             accumulation of glycolic acid and glyoxylic acid leads to
                                                                ities are primarily due to the presence of acid metabolites
             metabolic acidosis. Acidosis is also thought to lead to
                                                                of EG in the serum that result in metabolic acidosis and
             altered levels of consciousness and cerebral damage.                                   2
                                                                include decreased plasma bicarbonate (HCO ) concentra-
             Calcium oxalate crystal deposition in various organs is                                3
                                                                tion and increased anion gap. In addition, hyperphospha-
             widespread but is most severe in the kidney producing
                                                                temia may occur due to ingestion of a phosphate rust
             renal damage. Renal toxicity may also be due to the cyto-
                                                                inhibitor present in some commercial antifreeze products
             toxicity of other EG metabolites.
                                                                (Grauer et al., 1984; Connally et al., 1996). The decreased
                                                                plasma HCO 2  concentration can be seen as early as 1 h
             Clinical Signs                                     following EG ingestion. Metabolites of EG significantly
             Initial symptoms (Stage I, 30 min to 12 h after ingestion)  increase the pool of unmeasured anions and cause an
             may be similar to drunkenness, but without the character-  increased anion gap. The anion gap is increased by 3 h
             istic breath odor of alcohol. EG also causes GI irritation  after ingestion, peaks at 6 h after EG concentration, which
             and high EG blood concentrations. Symptoms in Stage I  peaks 1 6 h following ingestion. EG is usually no longer
             include nausea, vomiting, ataxia and knuckling, muscle  detectable in the serum or urine 48 72 h after ingestion
             fasciculations, decreased withdrawal reflexes and righting  (Thrall et al., 1982; Grauer et al., 1984; Dial et al., 1994a,
             ability, hypothermia, and osmotic diuresis with resultant  b). Kits (e.g., Ethylene Glycol Test Kit, PRN Pharmacol,
             polyuria and polydipsia (Grauer et al., 1984; Thrall et al.,  Pensacola, Florida) are available that accurately estimate
             1984b; Connally et al., 1996). As CNS depression   blood EG concentrations with a minimum detection limit
             increases in severity, dogs drink less but osmotic diuresis  of 50 mg/dL, and the results correlate well with other
             persists, resulting in dehydration. In dogs, CNS signs  established methods of measuring EG concentrations such
             abate after approximately 12 h, and patients may briefly  as gas chromatography (Dasgupta et al., 1995), although
             appear to have recovered. Cats usually remain markedly  the presence of propylene glycol or glycerol in the blood
             depressed and do not exhibit polydipsia. Animals may be  may cause a false-positive test result. Ethanol and metha-
             severely hypothermic. Stage II is characterized by pulmo-  nol do not result in a false-positive test result. Cats may
             nary toxicity. Symptoms may include tachycardia, tachyp-  be intoxicated with a lethal dose of EG that is below the
             nea, pulmonary edema, hyperventilation, and shallow and  50 mg/dL detectable level of the EG test kit. Therefore, if
             rapid breathing. Over time, as a result of glycolic and  the test kit is negative and historical findings as well as
             glyoxylic acid accumulation during metabolism, profound  clinical signs are compatible with EG ingestion, the rec-
             acidosis will present. Glycolic acid accumulates because  ommendation is to initiate appropriate therapy for EG
             the lactic dehydrogenase enzyme that metabolizes glyco-  intoxication as well as submit a serum sample to a refer-
             lic to glyoxylic acid becomes saturated. As glycolic acid  ence laboratory capable of determining a quantitative
             is further metabolized to oxalic acid, which then crys-  concentration.
             talizes with calcium, hypocalcemia may occur along with  Determination of serum osmolality is also useful for
             the precipitation of calcium oxalate crystals in the kidney,  diagnosing early EG toxicosis, although other osmotically
             which will produce renal toxicity in Stage III. Crystalluria  active, low-molecular-weight alcohols and glycols could
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