Page 690 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
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Alcohols and Glycols Chapter | 49  655  Prognosis                                        failure. Carbamylated hemoglobin concentration has been
                                                                shown to be useful in making this differentiation (Vaden
             EG has a very high potential for a lethal outcome, but with
                                                                et al., 1997b; Heiene et al., 2001). In addition, animals
             early recognition of the syndrome and timely institution of
             therapy, animals can be saved. The quantity of EG  with chronic renal failure may be anemic and in poor
             ingested, rate of absorption, and time interval prior to insti-  body condition. A history of the duration of clinical signs
             tution of therapy are variables that affect the prognosis.  is also helpful. Continuing to increase the awareness of
             The prognosis is excellent in dogs treated with fomepizole  the toxicity of EG, as well as other alcohols and glycols,
                                                                will aid in preventing exposure and result in earlier treat-
             within 5 h of ingesting EG. In a retrospective study of dogs
                                                                ment of animals.
             with confirmed EG poisoning, all of the dogs that were
             azotemic when initially treated died. Of the dogs that did
             not have azotemia when initially treated, approximately  REFERENCES
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                                                                Bauer, M.C., Weiss, D.J., Perman, V., 1992b. Hematological alterations
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             butylene glycol toxicosis can produce ataxia and other
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                                                                Berger, J.R., Ayyar, D.R., 1981. Neurological complications of ethylene
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             noglycoside antibiotics, hemolyticuremic syndrome, cho-
                                                                Burkhart, K.K., Kulig, K.W., 1990. The other alcohols. Emerg. Med.
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             grape and raisin toxicosis are hypercalcemic, as are ani-
                                                                Christopher, M.M., Perman, V., Eaton, J.W., 1989a. Contribution of pro-
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             Forrester, 1990; Gwaltney-Brant et al., 2001); hypercalce-  J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc. 194, 1045 1056.
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