Page 694 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 694  Chapter 50


             Robert W. Coppock and Ralph G. Christian

             INTRODUCTION                                       nonaqueous drilling fluids (invert drilling fluids) have
                                                                fresh or brine water emulsified in a hydrocarbon phase.
             Intoxication of birds and animals with petroleum and che-
                                                                Hydrocarbons used include diesel oil, distillates. and
             micals used by the petroleum industry does occur. This
                                                                hydrotreated mineral oil (low in polycyclics). Drilling
             chapter essentially focuses on terrestrial animals and espe-
                                                                mud can also contain metals and metalloids and have a
             cially livestock. Land used for agriculture and lands used
                                                                high alkaline pH. Biocides that can be added to drilling
             by wildlife are used for oil and gas production. Land used
                                                                muds include glutaraldehyde and quaternary ammonium
             by the upstream oil and gas industry include well sites,
                                                                salts.  If  naturally  occurring  radioactive  materials
             tank battery sites, sweet and sour gas plants, compressor
                                                                (NORMs) are encountered in the formations, radioactive
             stations, and pipelines. Crude petroleum and chemicals
                                                                metals and gas can contaminate drilling fluids and drill
             used in the oilfields can be spilled, and livestock and
             other animals can be poisoned by dermal, inhalation, and
             oral routes of exposure. Air emissions from oil and gas
             facilities also occur. The production of sour gas, natural  Fracking
             gas containing hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S), and the removal
             of sulfur (sour gas processing plants) present toxicology  Oil and gas bearing formations are porous with oil, gas
             issues when substances are released.               and water filling the pores. Flow to the borehole is stimu-
                                                                lated by fracking. Hydraulic fracturing is performed by
                                                                pumping water containing chemicals and proppants down
             OIL AND GAS WELL DRILLING                          the bore hole under high pressure and the formation is
             AND COMPLETING                                     fractured. Propping agents are used to reduce the closure
                                                                of the fractures. The United States Environmental
             Drilling                                           Protection Agency (USEPA, 2016) estimates that frack-
                                                                ing, a typical horizontal well for shale gas uses 15 million
             Oil and gas wells are vertically and horizontally drilled
                                                                liters of water. Three are over 1000 different chemicals
             into oil, gas and bitumen producing formations. During
                                                                used in fracking operations that have been listed by the
             drilling operations, drilling fluids are used to cool and
                                                                USEPA. Toxicology issues associated with fracking che-
             lubricate the drill bit, support the walls of the bore hole,
                                                                micals are known (Carpenter, 2016). Earthquakes are
             control subsurface pressure in the drill stem, move the
                                                                associated with fracking and deep well disposal of
             cuttings to surface and expose the borehole to various
                                                                unwanted oilfield liquids.
             chemicals that assist in the drilling operation. Drilling
             fluids generally are complex mixtures and the composi-
             tion varies with the different geologic zones and target  SOURCES OF TOXIC SUBSTANCES
             formation. Water-based drilling fluid and the nonaqueous
             drilling fluids are the two basic types of drilling fluids  Toxicological issues are associated with chemicals used
             used (Coppock and Christian, 2012). Water-based drilling  in drilling, fracking and the crude petroleum. Crude
             fluids generally consist of bentonite clay and barium sul-  natural gas as it comes from the wellhead may have
             fate for increasing density and other chemicals are added  volatile liquids (condensate), produced water, NORMs,
             to give desired properties such as lubrication, reduce  and may contain H 2 S and other forms of sulfur. Sour
             foaming. and bore wall stabilization. Brine or fresh water  petroleum can have the H 2 S removed and disposed of by
             can be used in water-based drilling fluids. The    burning in a flare stack.

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