Page 695 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 695

660 SECTION | IX Gases, Solvents and Other Industrial Toxicants  Air Emissions                                    disposed by returning it to the formation or injection
                                                                underground using disposal wells. Tremors are being
             Air emissions from the upstream oil and gas industry are
                                                                associated with disposal wells. Produced water can
             from burning unwanted products, production testing of
                                                                damage soil. Coalbed methane can be a large source of
             gas wells, controlled and uncontrolled releases of volatile
                                                                produced water (Moore, 2012).
             substances, and emissions from internal combustion
             engines and emissions from tank heaters. After gaswell
             completion, production testing is done to estimate produc-  Well Rework
             tivity and remove corrosive fracking chemicals from the
                                                                Reworking a well can include dewaxing, descaling,
             formation. During production testing the total production
                                                                replacement of downhole equipment, replacing location
             from the well is generally burned in a flare or incinerator.
                                                                of downhole equipment and several other procedures.
             Burned emissions contain various levels of products of
                                                                Reworking can include stimulation of the formation and
             combustion, products of incomplete combustion (PICs)
                                                                fracking to increase flow to the well bore. Surfactants,
             and may be a source of halogenated dibenzodioxins
                                                                acids, dewaxing solvents, biofilm inhibitors and numerous
             (Martinez-Guijarro et al., 2017). Polyaromatic hydrocar-
                                                                other chemicals can be used during rework operations.
             bons (PAHs) and particulates can also be formed. Sulfur
                                                                Some of these compounds are intrinsically toxic, and can
             dioxide, reduced sulfur compounds (including carbon
                                                                enhance the toxicity of other substances in a mixture.
             disulfide and carbonyl sulfide) PAHs and other com-
                                                                Chelating and descaling agents may increase the bioavail-
             pounds are produced by burning sour well emissions
                                                                ability of chemicals that otherwise would be considered
             by flaring (Strosher, 1996). Tank heaters are used in the
                                                                to have a low order of toxicity. Spillage of rework chemi-
             production of heavy oil and bitumen. If the tanks are
                                                                cals can occur and livestock poisonings have been
             vented to atmosphere, heating the petroleum in the tank
                                                                reported (Monlux et al., 1971). Down-hole equipment can
             can drive off a variety of hydrocarbons and water into the
                                                                be laid out at unsecured sites and cattle will investigate
                                                                and lick the petroleum and other substances from the
             Flowback and Produced Water
             Flowback fluid is the liquid that flows back during staged
             drilling, fracking and completion operations. During the  Earthen pits have been used for the disposal of upstream
             flowback period, the fluids coming from the well are dril-  oilfield waste by burning (flare pits). Many jurisdictions
             ling and fracking liquids. Water from the formation  have limited the use of sumps and do not allow sump con-
             brought to the surface during production of crude oil and  tents to be buried. Old buried sumps can be a hidden
             natural gas is called produced water. It is estimated that  source of surface and subsurface chemical contamination.
             unconventional wells produce 1.7 14.3 million liters of  Sumps also may be remote to oil and gas well sites
             brine water/well over the first 5 10 years of production.  (Heitman, 1986). Although environmental practices have
             Produced water is the largest waste stream generated in  changed, old sumps can be a cause of surface and subsur-
             the oil and gas industry and contains inorganic and  face issues because they may contain a variety of con-
             organic compounds (Ahmaduna et al., 2009). Produced  taminants inclusive of salts, acids, and heavy metals and
             water is separated from crude petroleum and natural gas  metalloids (Heitman, 1986; Gleason and Tangen, 2014).
             and becomes a waste product and can be high in total dis-  Extrusions from a drilling sump containing petroleum
             solved solids. Ingestion of production water can induce  hydrocarbons have been linked with maladies in cattle
             poisoning. Produced water can contain heavy metals and  and sheep (Mostrom et al., 1993; Adler et al., 1992).
             metalloids. Both flowback water and produced water can  Extrusions from an invert sump contaminated a pasture.
             contain NORMs, predominantly radium ( 228 & 236 Ra) and  Cows grazing this pasture had calves that were stunted.
             with barium can form radioactive pipe scale. Production  Necropsy findings were: abnormal epiphyseal plates in
             water generally has a unique ratio of ions and this ratio is  the long bones and myeloid-like bodies in the proximal
             generally distinctly different from the ratio of ions found  tubular cells of the kidney. The activities of hepatic poly-
             in ground water. Leaks of produced water can contami-  substrate mixed function oxidase enzymes were also ele-
             nate ground and surface water and soil (Carpenter, 2016).  vated. Sheep have been poisoned following extensive
             Depending on the redox potential, produced water can be  rains that caused extrusion of natural gas condensate from
             very corrosive and corrosion of oilfield equipment can be  the soil. Sumps and old oilfield equipment can contain
             a cause of leaks. Produced water disposal is variable  nonpesticide organophosphorus esters used to prevent
             depending on its chemical and NORMs composition.   foaming of lubricating oils. Reviews of the neurotoxicity
             Produced water that is an environmental hazard is often  and pathology of the tri-alkyl/aryl phosphate esters have
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