Page 761 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 761
References Bischoff al. et (2001); Schell (2004b) Dorman (2004) Schell (2004a) and Burns Connolly (1995); Parton (2004) (Continued )
all all all all proper LPCs to little avian
Species Affected Potentially birds Potentially birds Potentially birds Potentially birds; of use appears present no or intoxication to risk scavengers
birds; with
aerial in in dependent dose, noted and with activity, dyspnea, on birds; skeletal mallard
Signs cries, displays, coma described signs excitation doses noted doses failure depending well not in gastrointestinal, cardiovascular likely; necrosis in
Clinical Distress distress seizures, Not clinical mammals ingested on CNS high with paralysis lower Decreased tachypnea, renal Vary species; described CNS, and signs muscle reported ducks
of potassium and release acid in
Mechanism Action Toxic Blocks channels ion increases ACh of Uncouples oxidative phosphorylation Unknown Blocks tricarboxylic resulting cycle energy cell depletion
to for of BW BW
Species Toxicity toxic species, birds; birds for 1.4 from mg/kg determined toxic species birds; birds for mg/kg for LD 50 s are mg/kg
Avian Avian Highly most including LD 50 s range 8.1 Not Highly most including LD 50 s 1.8 3.8 Oral magpies 1.78 2.3
for to
Toxic baits; for bait diluted untreated corn for for grain- green to 16- to 0.1% product livestock (LPCs); goats and 1%
Molluscicides Formulations concentrate; grain 0.5% 3.0% corn cracked use agricultural with whole 1% 0.1% to bait 0.5% or tan in pellets packs place g used powder baits; ready-to-use to restricted collars protection sheep for at mL 30
and Powder 3% 0.03% grain; diluted crows; pigeons 0.01% based 42.5 98% prepare Use LPCs contain
Avicides, red- blackbirds, blackbirds, Rodenticide ravens, gull Rodenticide, control
Rodenticides, Uses Control winged grackles, pigeons, sparrows Control starlings, crows, pigeons, cowbirds, grackles, magpies, certain species coyote
53.2 Rodenticides/ Molluscicides 4-Aminopyridine hydrochloride
TABLE Avicides/ (Avitrol) Bromethalin 3-Chloro-p- toluidine (Starlicide) Fluoroacetate (1080)