Page 762 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 762

Toxicity References  Species  Signs  Clinical  of Mechanism  Affected  Action  Toxic  Talcott  all Potentially  anxiety, Restlessness,  GABA Decreases  lethal  (2004a)  birds; seizures, tachypnea,  brain;  the  in chickens  for  secondary hyperthermia  of alterations  500  are  ducks  not poisoning  brain  other  mg/kg  reported  neuro- respectively  transmitters  Talcott  all Potentially Nervousness, inhibitory  Blocks  oral  (2004b)  birds  anxiety, apprehension,  glycine  of  actions  golden  for  muscle tachypnea,  cord  spinal  of  sage  tonic stiffness,  spasms,  horn  anterior

                                  Avian     Minimum  doses  and  300  and  BW,  Reported  LD 50 s  eagles,  grouse,  pheasants  5 10,  8.5 24.7  respectively  Oral  wild  ducks  be  oral  kg;  chickens  be  to

                                            granules,  powders  baits grain-based  sulfate     scrap  bait,  tracking  generally  zinc 0.5% 2.0%  to  up  paste

                                  Formulations  baits, Pelleted  or  liquids,  wettable  5% containing  metaldehyde  Colored  0.5% 1.0%  with  strychnine  Grain-based  or  paste,  bait,  baits powder;  contain  phosphide;  10%

                                            slugs  snails    Controlling  squirrels,  and  meadow  mice,  dogs,  porcupines,  chipmunks,  control  to  mice,  ground  squirrels,  dogs,  muskrats,  opossums,  Aluminum  phosphide  a  as  fumigant

                              (Continued)  Uses  Control  and   ground  deer  prairie  rabbits,  pigeons  Used  rats,  voles,  prairie  nutrias,  rabbits,  gophers  used

                              53.2  Rodenticides/  Molluscicides                               phosphide

                              TABLE  Avicides/  Metaldehyde  Strychnine                        Zinc

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