Page 811 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 811

770 SECTION | XI Bacterial and Cyanobacterial Toxins  activated charcoal was used successfully to decontaminate  et al., 2000; Gugger et al., 2005; Yang and Boyer, 2005;
                                                                Wood et al., 2007; Puschner et al., 2008, 2010).
             drinking water (Warhurst et al., 1997), this decontamina-
                                                                Anatoxins are neurotoxins and can generally be divided
             tion procedure was not protective in mice dosed with
             microcystins (Mereish and Solow, 1989); no data are  into anatoxin-a, homoanatoxin-a, and anatoxin-a(s).
             available for other species.                       Anatoxin-a is a secondary amine and has been detected in
                Diagnosis of microcystin toxicosis is corroborated by  blooms worldwide. Homoanatoxin-a is a methyl deriva-
             identification of microcystin-containing water in the envi-  tive of anatoxin-a and has been identified in blooms in
             ronment of the animal. Identification of algae material in  Japan (Namikoshi et al., 2004), Ireland (Furey et al.,
             water and gastric contents is an important component of  2003), Sweden (Skulberg et al., 1992), and New Zealand
             the diagnostic workup but does not confirm intoxication.  (Wood et al., 2007). Anatoxin-a(s) is a unique N-hydroxy-
             As described previously, the toxicity of the cyanobacteria  guanidine methyl phosphate ester that has been detected
             is strain specific, and morphological observations alone  in the Americas (Monserrat et al., 2001) and Europe
             cannot predict the hazard level, but polymerase chain  (Henriksen et al., 1997). Commercially available blue-
             reaction detection of microcystin-producing genes can  green algae dietary supplements also represent a potential
             help identify a potentially culpable species. Detection of  source (Rella ´n et al., 2009).
             microcystins in gastric contents is confirmatory, but these
             tests are not routinely available at diagnostic laboratories  Pharmacokinetics/Toxicokinetics
             and are limited to a few structural variants. In the past,
             the mouse bioassay was used to determine the toxicity of  Definite data on the toxicokinetics of anatoxin-a,
             crude algal biomass in suspicious blue-green algae poi-  homoanatoxin-a, and anatoxin-a(s) have not been estab-
             sonings. Although many assays are available to analyze  lished. Based on the rapid onset of clinical signs after oral
             water samples for microcystins (Maizels and Budde,  exposure, rapid absorption of the toxins is suspected.
             2004; McElhiney and Lawton, 2005; Frias et al., 2006),  Anatoxin-a has been detected in the urine and bile of a
             there are only limited methods available to reliably and  poisoned dog, confirming that anatoxin-a is, at least in
             accurately detect microcystins in biological specimens  part, excreted unchanged in urine and bile (Puschner
             collected from animals suspected to have died from  et al., 2010).
             microcystin intoxication (Bogialli et al., 2005; Karlsson
             et al., 2005b; Chen et al., 2009). An electrospray ioniza-
                                                                Mechanism of Action
             tion liquid chromatography mass spectrometry method
             has been developed to determine the bound microcystin  Anatoxin-a is a potent cholinergic agonist at nicotinic ace-
             concentrations in animal tissues, which provides an esti-  tylcholine receptors (nAChRs) in neurons and at neuro-
             mate of the total microcystin burden in exposed animals  muscular junctions (NMJs) (Thomas et al., 1993).
             (Ott and Carmichael, 2006).                        Anatoxin-a has two enantiomers, with (1)anatoxin-a hav-
                Differential diagnoses in animals with a clinical pre-  ing a higher binding affinity than the (2) form (Spivak
             sentation of liver failure include other toxic ingestions,  et al., 1980; Zhang and Nordberg, 1993). Compared to
             such as amanitins, cocklebur, cycad palm, aflatoxin, xyli-  nicotine, anatoxin-a is approximately 20 times more potent
             tol, certain heavy metals, and acetaminophen overdose.  than acetylcholine. After continuous electrical stimulation
             Careful evaluation of the history, feed, and environment  at the NMJs, a nerve block may follow and result in death
             of the animal can help eliminate most of the toxicant dif-  due to respiratory paralysis. Furthermore, anatoxin-a has
             ferentials on the list.                            modulatory action at presynaptic nAChRs, which can lead
                                                                to dopamine as well as noradrenaline release (Barik and
                                                                Wonnacott, 2006; Campos et al., 2010). Clinical signs of
                                                                anatoxin-a poisoning include a rapid onset of rigidity and
             Anatoxins are mainly produced by cyanobacteria in the  muscle tremors followed by convulsions, paralysis, respi-
             Anabaena genus (Beltran and Neilan, 2000) but also by  ratory failure, cyanosis, and death. Death usually occurs
             other  genera,  such  as  Plantkothrix,  Oscillatoria,  within minutes to a few hours. Anatoxin-a poisonings
             Microcystis,  Aphanizomenon,  Cylindrospermum,  and  have been reported in dogs in Europe (Edwards et al.,
             Phormidium. Only few data exist about factors resulting  1992; Gunn et al., 1992; James et al., 1997; Gugger et al.,
             in anatoxin-a production (Me ´jean et al., 2014; Wood  2005) and the United States (Puschner et al., 2008, 2010).
             et al., 2017) and indicate the impact of multiple physico-  Anatoxin-a is also considered a contributing factor in the
             chemical variables. Reports of anatoxin poisoning are less  deaths of Lesser Flamingos in Kenya (Krienitz et al.,
             frequent than those of microcystin toxicosis; however,  2003). Homoanatoxin-a is a methyl derivate of anatoxin-a
             poisoning has occurred worldwide (Edwards et al., 1992;  with similar pharmacological and toxicological properties
             Gunn et al., 1992; Beltran and Neilan, 2000; Fromme  (Wonnacott et al., 1992), and it has been implicated in
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