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CHAPTER 30 III Acreage Pets 353
and less frequently from wounds or systemic infection and consequently, the popularity of these animals has
(Figure 30-13). plummeted. During their halcyon days, we regularly
performed ultrasound on these unique pigs for preg-
Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction. Llamas and alpacas nancy confirmation but no longer do this. Now, the
have more than their share of nasolacrimal disease. waning population of pot-bellied pigs resides almost
When present or suspected, the nasolacrimal system is exclusively on acreages as pets (Figure 30-19).
best evaluated by opacifying it with contrast solution, Anatomically, pigs, including miniatures such as
a procedure termed dacryorhinocystography. A case the pot-bellied variety, differ from other farm animals
example is shown in Figure 30-14. in their lungs, limbs, and skulls.
A plain film should be done first (as in sialography) The lungs of these pigs contain both an exterior and
to ensure adequate radiographic technique and posi- interior pleura, the later dividing the lung into some-
tioning. The duct should be manipulated and injected thing resembling macrolobules. This generous comple-
with great care. A nonionic, diagnostic iodine solution ment of intrapulmonary pleura gives the porcine lung
should be used, and care should be taken to not overfi ll its normal linear density pattern that may cause the
the duct. If injection pressure seems abnormally high, inexperienced to diagnose nonexistent lung disease.
it should not be forced; rather a radiograph should be The limbs of pigs are short and stout, almost
made and then an attempt made to identify the cause. dwarflike. The skull is massive, featuring immense
The opposite side should be used as a control (as jaws with formidable teeth and in the case of boars,
required), and the contrast should be flushed out of the long tusks.
system once the necessary images have been obtained.
Injuries and Diseases
Gastrointestinal Impaction and Foreign Body. Gas-
trointestinal blockage, either temporary or permanent, Pot-bellied pigs, like other acreage pets, are subject to
often leads to colic. Most foreign bodies have a similar the occasional attack by roving dogs, sustaining bite
effect, with those in the stomach often leading to vagal wounds that can require veterinary attention. But the
indigestion. Radiography can prove helpful, especially ailment encountered most often is septic arthritis,
in identifying a foreign body, such as a wire, or a local- which in its severest expression involves the associated
ized or regional impaction (Figure 30-15). bones, and thus is more accurately termed septic
Infection may be introduced either through the
III MINIATURE HORSES systemic circulation, in the event of a bacteremia, or by
direct inoculation in the case of a penetrating wound.
To date, our work with miniature horses has been con- Either way, the bacteria enter the joint and typically
fined to the sonographic confirmation of pregnancy colonize the synovium, inflaming it and causing the
(Figure 30-16) and to a lesser extent the assessment of formation of an excessive volume of synovial fl uid,
colicky abdomens. which visibly swells the joint.
If the swelling becomes severe enough, a sinus may
develop in the overlying skin, providing both drainage
III MINIATURE GOATS and often some measure of pain relief. But the respite
is short-lived, however, because the sinus soon seals
We occasionally image pet goats, as well as miniature closed, precluding further drainage and allowing
dairy goats. These are small, sturdy animals that are a the pus to re-form. Concurrently, the bone begins to
great deal easier to handle than their full-sized coun- undergo dissolution, often on the epiphyseal side of
terparts (Figure 30-17). Miniature goats are subject to the growth plate in the case of very young animals
the same diseases as standard-sized goats, including and on the metaphyseal side of the physis in older
pneumonia, which in some instances can be quite individuals.
severe, leading to abscess, perforation, and pneumo- Sesamoids and secondary growth centers, along
thorax (Figure 30-18). with large condyles, seem particularly susceptible to
destruction. With sufficient bone loss usually comes
pathological fracture, whereas devascularization en-
III POT-BELLIED PIGS courages the formation of one or more sequestra. Many
of the foregoing manifestations of septic arthritis-
The breeding and rearing of pot-bellied pigs have not osteomyelitis are exemplified in the case examples in
proved economically profitable in western Canada, Figures 30-20 through 30-22.
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