Page 370 - Veterinary diagnostic imaging birds exotic pets wildlife
P. 370

SECTION                                    III

                    The Reptiles

                         Chapter 32


                                                                         III RADIOGRAPHY AND NORMAL
                    Snakes are amazing creatures that evoke a variety of     RADIOGRAPHIC ANATOMY
                    emotions in humans, ranging from fear to fascination
                    (Figure 32-1). Children are often intrigued by snakes   Generally, we try to radiograph snakes while they are
                    (Figure 32-2) and generally are quite willing to handle   fully awake, provided they remain still long enough to
                    them (Figure 32-3), unlike many adults, who are quick   obtain an exposure. Most snakes prefer warm surfaces
                    to express the oft-heard sentiment, “I don’t like    over cool surfaces and thus are reluctant to remain on
                    snakes!”                                             x-ray cassettes any longer than necessary (Figure 32-5).
                       I have frequently heard others say that cats have an   This difficulty can be easily overcome by fi rst warming

                    instinctual fear of snakes or worse that cats and snakes   the cassette, thus encouraging the snake to remain still,
                    are mortal enemies. Having owned cats for much of    at least long enough to obtain an exposure.
                    my life, I can attest to the fact they seem to greatly   In such circumstances, we often begin with a dorso-
                    dislike vacuum cleaners, but whether it is the snake-  ventral view of the snake’s entire body, coiled on an
                    like hose or the loud noise the machine makes, I cannot   appropriately sized cassette (Figure 32-6). Multiple
                    say. To test this theory of cats disliking of snakes, I have   cassettes are used in the event the snake’s entire body
                    often taken my cat to a nearby wooded area where     will not fit on a single receiver, for example, with a

                    young boys and girls regularly search for snakes. My   large boa or python.
                    cat, who is accustomed to being walked on a leash,     Among reptiles, snakes are unique in their ability
                    shows great curiosity when around snakes and fre-    to deform their face and jaws to accommodate the
                    quently sniffs them (provided they remain still long   consumption of otherwise inedible prey. This feat is
                    enough) but to date has never harmed one (Figure     achieved through the coordinated but physically
                    32-4).                                               separate movement of the jaws, which, aided by their

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