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266   PART III    Therapeutic Modalities for the Cancer Patient

         on two small studies in which circulating Treg were significantly
         decreased when CYC was given alone or in combination with   Clinical Trial Evaluation
                    Interestingly, dogs receiving the two drugs concur-
         TOC.  rently had significant increases in serum concentrations of IFN-γ   Summary of Human Clinical Trials
                                                               Nearly 20 years ago, the results of a pivotal clinical trial
         that were inversely correlated with Treg numbers after 6 weeks of
         treatment. 269                                        were reported in which women with metastatic breast cancer
            Administration of low, noncytotoxic concentrations of other   received daily low dose CYC and twice weekly methotrexate.
         chemotherapeutic agents such as paclitaxel, DOX, methotrex-  This study found a disease control rate (defined as a complete
         ate and gemcitabine have also been shown to improve antitu-  or partial response or durable stable disease) of 32% and a low
         mor immunity. Mechanisms for this vary but include dendritic   incidence (13%) of mild to moderate leukopenia. 282  As most of
         cell  activation,  improvement  of  cytotoxic  T-cell  function  and   the women had already failed MTD chemotherapy protocols
         reduction of MDSC activity. 270–272  For example, administration   containing CYC, these results stimulated significant interest
         of low doses of paclitaxel to mice with metastatic lung tumors   in further investigation of MC for the treatment of advanced
         led to a selective decrease in Treg number and function without   cancers.
         interfering with tumor-specific cytotoxic T cell function. 273  The   Since that time, numerous phase I and II studies have described
         nucleoside analog gemcitabine appears to decrease MDSC accu-  the clinical benefits of MC, many reporting encouraging tumor
         mulation within tumor tissues, likely in part through the differ-  control rates and very low toxicity rates. The majority of these
         entiation of MDSC into functionally active immunostimulatory   studies have paired a conventional chemotherapy drug with a
         DCs. 265,266                                          noncytotoxic drug that also targets angiogenesis. Noncytotoxic
            Similar to CYC, the alkylating agent temozolomide (TMZ)   drugs typically include those with indirect effects on angiogenesis
         has also been shown to reduce circulating Treg numbers in human   such as COX inhibitors, tetracyclines, and thalidomide or those
         cancer patients. 274  Denies and colleagues recently investigated   with more direct effects such as bevacizumab.
         daily low dose TMZ therapy in 30 tumor-bearing dogs, adminis-  In a meta-analysis of 80 published human clinical trials, the
         tered either alone or in combination with daily low-dose CYC. 275    most frequently used cytotoxic drugs were CYC (43%) followed
         In these dogs the primary study endpoints were circulating Treg   by capecitabine, etoposide, and vinorelbine. 283  In this systematic
         numbers and plasma concentrations of TSP-1 and VEGF. The   literature review, most studies (80%) were reports from single-arm
         investigators found that dogs receiving CYC (12.5 mg/m /day)   trials, often relying on historical controls. In 72% of the trials, the
         or  the  combination  of  CYC  and  TMZ  (6.6  mg/m /day)  had   patient sample size was 50 or less. Of the few trials with multiple
         significantly lower percentages of Treg after 2 weeks of therapy   arms (n = 16), only seven were randomized. Recent clinical data
         whereas dogs receiving TMZ alone did not. Neither drug nor     compiled from larger MC clinical trials for cancer patients living
         the combination was found to influence pre- and posttreatment   in India have found that methotrexate and celecoxib are used most
         plasma concentrations of TSP-1 or VEGF. As TMZ has been well   often, likely owing to the wide availability and low cost of these
         tolerated in dogs at higher doses in conventional chemotherapy   agents. 284
         protocols, additional pharmacodynamic studies may lead to iden-  To date there has been only one double-blinded, placebo-
         tification of a biologically effective dose when used in the metro-  controlled randomized clinical trial reported in human cancer
         nomic setting. 276,277                                patients. 285  This study compared a four-drug metronomic regi-
                                                               men of daily celecoxib and thalidomide with alternating peri-
         Other Targets of Metronomic Chemotherapy              ods of etoposide and CYC to placebo in 108 pediatric patients
         Dormancy is a stage of tumor development in which viable neo-  with solid tumors (mostly OSA or primitive neuroectodermal
         plastic cells are present but inactive as a result of dynamic equi-  tumors). The primary study end point was the progression-free
         librium between apoptosis  and proliferation. Dormancy  may   rate (PFR) as defined by the proportion of patients without dis-
         arise in the early phases of tumor progression before conditions   ease progression at 6 months after starting MC. Unfortunately,
         are in place to adequately support tumor cell proliferation and   there was no difference in PFR between the two groups as more
         again in the posttreatment remission period. Not surprisingly,   than 96% of patients developed progressive disease within 3
         reactivation of dormant tumor cells represents one reason for   months. Interestingly, patients receiving MC for a tumor type
         the development of progressive disease after completion of con-  other than a bone sarcoma demonstrated significantly longer
         ventional MTD chemotherapy protocols. 278  Similar to dormant   overall progression-free survival (PFS) time compared with
         tumor cells, cancer stem cells (CSCs) may also be present both   those receiving placebo. The authors concluded that MC may
         before  and  after  conventional  anticancer  therapy.  Also  known   not display efficacy across all classes of pediatric solid tumors,
         as tumor initiating cells, CSCs display a unique and formidable   underscoring the importance of tumor histology in predicting
         phenotype within the tumor cell population, characterized by   treatment response. 
         their capabilities for self-renewal and DNA repair. Accumulat-
         ing experimental data suggest MC may be able to target CSCs   Summary of Veterinary Clinical Trials
         and dormant tumor cells because of the tendency of both cell
         populations to reside in close proximity to tumor vasculature. 279    Similar to human clinical studies, veterinary clinical trials eval-
         For instance, in mice with glioma and hepatocellular carcinoma,   uating MC have been mostly small, phase I and II and/or ret-
         antiangiogenic therapy was found to disrupt this close associa-  rospective. Metronomic administration of CYC, given alone
         tion, leading to apoptosis of CSC and bystander damage to dor-  or in combination with a nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug
         mant tumor cells immediately adjacent tumor vasculature. 280,281    (NSAID), has been the approach most often tested; however, the
         Whether this mechanism of action of MC will translate into a   treatment protocol, disease setting and outcomes assessed have
         therapeutic benefit for human or veterinary patients awaits fur-  all varied considerably. The majority of trials have investigated
         ther investigation.                                   dogs with various malignancies and advanced disease, using the
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