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268   PART III    Therapeutic Modalities for the Cancer Patient

         common with metronomic therapy. 304,288,289  These toxicity results   volume  and permeability  measurements  in canine  intracranial
         echo the finding that cumulative dose is a risk factor for SHC in   masses using this modality. 319
                                                                  The area of dose optimization also represents an unmet need for
                                                  Close urinary
         dogs with lymphoma treated with MTD CYC.  monitoring is strongly recommended for patients receiving MC,   biomarkers in antiangiogenic and metronomic chemotherapy. In
         and recent studies demonstrate reduced SHC with concurrent use
                                                               the absence of dose limiting toxicities, the choice of drug dose may
         of furosemide as a preventative therapy. 306,307  Chlorambucil has   be highly empirical without information on target modulation.
         also been used as an alternative to CYC that negates the risk of   The assessment of Treg may provide insight as a dose optimiza-
         SHC. With these drugs and any type of therapy intended to be   tion biomarker. A study that utilized serial sampling in canine soft
         administered continuously for long periods of time, adverse events   tissue sarcoma demonstrated dose-dependent reduction in Treg
         associated with cumulative dosing must be investigated, as these   with MC treatment. Reduced Treg were observed at 15 mg/m
         side effects may not be observed in more commonly reported   but not 12.5 mg/m  doses, leading to the conclusion that 15 mg/
         short-term clinical trials.                           m  may be a more appropriate dose for future clinical trials. 268  In
            Although  not  initially  expected,  acquired  resistance  to  anti-  addition to Treg levels, temporal evaluation of other markers has
         angiogenic therapy has become evident from clinical trial results.   been studied. Assessment of CECs and/or CEPs has been applied
         Given the genetically stable nature of the blood vessel/EC tar-  for biomarker analysis of dosing antiangiogenic and metronomic
         get compared with the mutation-prone cancer cell population,   therapy. 320–322  For example, in the study by Rusk and colleagues,
         antiangiogenic  treatment was originally  postulated to be less   decreasing CEC levels in dogs treated with the thrombospondin-1
         likely to demonstrate drug resistance. 308  Proposed mechanisms   mimetic peptide ABT-526 may have indicated adequate exposure
         of resistance to antiangiogenic therapies involve both tumor and   to the antiangiogenic drug, which in this study was utilized at a
         host-mediated pathways that can be intrinsic or induced by treat-  single dose. 227  However, total CEC levels were not associated with
         ment. 309  One alarming consequence of antiangiogenic treatment   soft tissue sarcoma response to TSP peptides in another trial. 228
         that emerged from preclinical studies with certain antiangiogenic   Finally, in dogs with solid tumors, temporal increases in plasma
         RTKIs is the potential to alter the host microenvironment (e.g.,   VEGF over 30 days of TOC treatment occurred at doses consider-
         in the lungs), leading to metastatic conditioning. 310,311  This phe-  ably lower than the FDA-approved MTD. 323  These results suggested
         nomenon of increased invasion and metastasis as a result of anti-  that biologic activity of TOC through VEGF pathway inhibition
         angiogenic drug treatment was observed with sunitinib, an RTKI   occurs within an optimal dose range that has an improved adverse
         with a similar target spectrum to TOC. 311  However, a randomized   event profile compared with the MTD. Blood pressure changes may
         clinical trial of TOC used in the adjuvant setting for canine OSA   also reflect the biologic activity of this class of drugs and measuring
         revealed no difference in the disease-free interval. 290    hypertension has also been suggested as a surrogate biomarker for
                                                               VEGF pathway inhibitors, including TOC. 324,300  
         The incorporation of biomarkers into clinical decision making is
         increasingly important in the era of targeted therapeutics. 312  The   Numerous forms of conventional and targeted cancer therapies
         aims of validated biomarkers include (1) predicting patients who   produce antiangiogenic effects that may contribute to their overall
         will or will not respond to treatment, (2) monitoring response to   efficacy, and the field of tumor angiogenesis has come of age with
         therapy, or (3) determining the therapeutic dose for agents that   the successful application of drugs that inhibit the VEGF receptor
         often possess optimal biologic activity at doses well below the tra-  and other relevant pathways. The metronomic application of che-
         ditionally defined MTD. The use of validated biomarkers to guide   motherapy has antiangiogenic effects and demonstrates significant
         the application of antiangiogenic agents is relevant in all three of   immunomodulatory activity that warrants further study, particu-
         these areas.                                          larly in combination with other targeted approaches. However,
            Tumor tissue expression and/or blood-based circulating growth   well-powered prospective clinical trials to evaluate efficacy are
         factor levels have been the most popular approaches to predicting   currently lacking. Optimization of drug choices, combinations,
         response to antiangiogenic treatment, with VEGF being the most   and tumor applications remain as significant challenges, as does
         studied molecule. 313–315  For example, in a pilot study of MC and   the emergence of drug resistance. Biomarker research may provide
         celecoxib therapy in 15 dogs with various cancers, low baseline   insight into patients that are more likely to benefit, optimal dos-
         plasma VEGF was predictive of response. 316  The temporal com-  ing for agents with activity below the MTD, and predict clinical
         parison of pretreatment with posttreatment levels may provide   benefit that may often manifest as sustained stable disease. 
         the most useful information for certain surrogate biomarkers, as
         was demonstrated with urinary bFGF and VEGF with piroxicam
         treatment of canine TCC. 242,243  Biomarkers that are particularly   SECTION D: NOVEL AND EMERGING
         valuable for antiangiogenic therapy may be those that define   THERAPEUTIC AGENTS
         tumor response because inhibiting angiogenesis does not neces-
         sarily result in reduced tumor volume in the short term. A static
         tumor response sharply contrasts that observed with successful   DOUGLAS H. THAMM AND
         MTD chemotherapy approaches that result in overt measurable   DAVID J. ARGYLE
         tumor shrinkage. Imaging modalities that can provide informa-
         tion about vascular function are potentially valuable tools for   The recent explosion in available tumor bioinformatic informa-
         monitoring tumor angiogenesis and the effects of antiangiogenic   tion, rational and combinatorial drug design, and high-through-
         therapy. 317  Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) has   put drug screening have resulted in a massive increase in potential
         been studied for its ability to quantitatively assess vascular param-  therapeutic targets and anticancer treatment strategies. An exhaus-
         eters. 318  A study by MacLeod and colleagues demonstrated blood   tive survey of all potential novel targets for cancer therapy would
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