Page 352 - Withrow and MacEwen's Small Animal Clinical Oncology, 6th Edition
P. 352


         Integrative Oncology


         What Is “Integrative Oncology”?                       human  cancer  patients  include  some  form  of  integrative
                                                               medicine in their treatment.  They do so to improve qual-
         Integrative oncology constitutes a diverse approach to the treat-  ity of life and treatment outcomes and to fill gaps left by
         ment of patients with cancer that encompasses both conventional   conventional medicine, especially in the areas of physical and
         and unconventional approaches. The term “integrative” medicine   emotional pain. Integrative medicine may cushion the effect
         has largely replaced the longer designation, “complementary and   of treatments that can be otherwise frightening and painful,
         alternative medicine” (CAM). Several National Cancer Institute   allowing patients to relax and, at least for humans, maintain
         (NCI)-designated comprehensive cancer centers have formally   hope.
         established integrative medicine centers within their hospitals, offer-  A survey of clients at the Colorado State University Flint
         ing integrative approaches such as acupuncture, oncology massage,   Animal Cancer Center found that 76% accessed integrative
         music therapy, meditation consultations, physical therapy, nutrition   approaches. Most did so to support the well-being of their ani-
         counseling, health psychology, and more. Patients and families who   mal. Others were seeking pain control, reduction in treatment
         consult these centers are typically seeking to improve survival, man-  toxicity, and appetite support.  The study also found that most
         age side effects of conventional care, and take a proactive approach   clients had not discussed these treatments with their primary
         to treatment. Although many of these methods, such as acupuncture   care veterinarian. What would have happened if they had done
         and massage, translate readily to veterinary care, others (e.g., botani-  so? Would their veterinarian have challenged them and attempt
         cal medicine and dietary supplements) require more caution because   to talk them out of pursuing additional options? Or, would their
         of physiologic differences in xenobiotic metabolism. That said, more   veterinarian have been able to provide clear and appropriate
         research focusing on integrative oncologic approaches is necessary in   guidance on the pros and cons of various integrative medicine
         veterinary oncology, as limited data exist at present for the target spe-  approaches? Until more veterinary schools offer science-based
         cies. Consequently, the topics and techniques presented in the text   education to students in integrative therapeutics, most veteri-
         that follows rely heavily on human and laboratory animal findings.   narians will graduate and enter practice lacking a full under-
                                                               standing of the pharmacologic basis of botanical medicine,
         Looking for an “All Natural” Cure for Cancer          the neuromodulatory benefits of acupuncture and massage,
                                                               the restorative effect of photobiomodulation, and the risks not
         One of the most frequently asked questions clients raise is whether any   only of folkloric approaches but also scientifically scrutinized
         “natural” approach exists that can replace more conventional cancer   care. The goal of this chapter is to elucidate the pros and cons
         therapies such as surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy (RT).   and also the promises and pitfalls of integrative medicine for
         Unfortunately, there is no reliable nonconventional cancer “cure.”   cancer patients. 
         However, as research sheds light on the ability of botanical products to
         halt tumor progression in certain tumors, the incorporation of integra-  Where to Begin?
         tive approaches may become more important in the overall care of can-
         cer patients. Furthermore, pursuing integrative medicine during and   No “one size fits all” approach exists. As conventional care strate-
         after chemotherapy and/or radiation may boost host defenses, reduce   gies become increasingly tailored to the individual (so called per-
         conventional treatment side effects, accelerate healing, and promote   sonalized medicine), so should integrative care strategies.
         resumption of normal daily living. Clients want and need factual,
         science-based guidance on which therapies offer the most help and the   Identify Treatment Goals
         least harm, and veterinarians that scientifically assess the benefits and
         risks of integrative medicine will occupy a central role and responsibil-  Before embarking on an integrative approach, clearly defining
         ity in providing vital education for those that depend on them.   goals will help develop the initial plan. Discussions should include
                                                               methods (e.g., metrics) to monitor comfort, mobility, pain con-
         Integrative Medicine Inroads into Oncology            trol, appetite, and the activities of daily living along with strategies
                                                               to achieve those goals. Revisiting and revising preliminary goals as
         Nearly 40% of adults and 12% of children in the United   treatment proceeds will keep the integrative approach focused and
         States access integrative medicine, and more than 50% of   tailored to current needs and challenges. 

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