Page 353 - Withrow and MacEwen's Small Animal Clinical Oncology, 6th Edition
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CHAPTER 17  Integrative Oncology  331

           See the Big Picture                                   often define the trajectory of acupuncture channels. A cascade of
                                                                 responses follows in the central nervous system (CNS) and auto-
                                                                 nomic nervous system (ANS), generating somatosomatic, somato-
           By definition,  integrative oncology  includes  both conventional  and  complementary medical  treatment  methods;  this may   autonomic, and somatovisceral reflexes in spinal cord segments
           translate into multiple health care providers participating in the
                                                                 related to the excited nerve(s). In addition to propriospinal signal-
           patient’s treatment care. Communication becomes vital to avoid   ing, acupuncture induces changes in the neuronal firing patterns
           unnecessary, duplicative, or counterproductive approaches. Some-  in the limbic system, cerebellum, cortex, and brainstem. Func-
           times, excessive treatment can be taxing on both the patient and   tional brain imaging research shows, by reflecting alterations in
           client, and a frank discussion about what is working and what is   neuronal metabolism, which centers process pain, regulate auto-
           not may streamline care and place fewer burdens on both. Explor-  nomic function, and affect moods in response to acupuncture.
           ing the pros and cons in this broader context with the client may   This aids in the ever-deepening awareness of the neurophysiologic
           help alleviate family members’ feelings of guilt and the fear of “not   underpinnings of acupuncture.
           doing enough,” when in reality they might be doing more than
           indicated or warranted.                               How Might Acupuncture Benefit a Veterinary Patient with
           Recognize Patient Comorbidities                       Although acupuncture provides repeatable and measurable ben-
                                                                 efits for patients with advanced cancer, the treatment is under-
           The advanced age of patients with cancer raises the likelihood that   utilized. 16–22  Human integrative oncology clinics have found
           those individuals will be harboring medical and/or physical prob-  acupuncture to be a safe, inexpensive, and effective intervention
           lems in addition to neoplasia. Attending to the “whole patient”   for problems that cancer patients often encounter, including leu-
           embodies a cornerstone of integrative oncology care. Introducing   kopenia, gastrointestinal upset, and systemic reactions. 23,24  Acu-
           acupuncture and massage to alleviate pain and stress carries the   puncture may reduce the emetic effects of chemotherapy  and
           side benefit of homeostatic regulation and stronger host defenses   opioids. 25,26  For pain management, many studies on acupuncture
           (i.e., robust immunologic protection and the ability to recover   show improvement, though more rigorous studies are needed.
           after injury). Evidence suggests that patients who feel better over-  Acupuncture has also  been used to  treat fatigue,  hot flashes,
           all will more likely complete their planned course of chemother-  immune system support, neuropathy, anxiety, depression, xero-
           apy and/or RT and have more positive results. 4,5     stomia, 28-30  and sleep disturbances in humans.  Even for human
             Fully evaluating a patient with myofascial palpation  before   patients with advanced, incurable cancer, acupuncture has been
           chemotherapy and/or RT with respect to general well-being   shown to alleviate a wide range of symptoms with no significant
           may provide practitioners insight into ways to address preexist-  or unexpected adverse effects.  
           ing pain and dysfunction even before conventional treatment
           commences.                                            Risks of Acupuncture
                                                                 Studies indicate that acupuncture performed by a medical pro-
                                                                 fessional for patients with cancer poses little risk of injury. 33–35
           Common Approaches in Integrative                      That said, one should obviously avoid penetrating the tumor or
           Oncology                                              seeding local tissues with cancer cells. Owing to the complexity
                                                                 of treatment and patient considerations for animals with cancer,
           Acupuncture                                           any acupuncturist treating animals should have a thorough under-
                                                                 standing of animal health and disease, and acupuncture anatomy
           Nearly two-thirds of human cancer patients experience pain.    and physiology, to minimize risk of injury. 
           Negative side effects from opioid analgesics or other concerns
           regarding conventional pain medications often prompt clients to   Botanical Medicine
           request drug-free alternatives. Acupuncture, which uses the inser-
           tion of thin, sterile needles into certain sites (called “acupuncture   Considering their diverse and documented anticancer benefits,
           points”) on the body is one such alternative.         plant-based medicines offer some of the greatest hope for an
             Acupuncture points correspond to influential neurovascular or   actual cure for cancer. After all, nearly half of cancer drugs used
           myofascial zones that, when activated, promote analgesia, recovery   over the past two decades arose directly as derivatives from plants
           of normal circulation and immune function, physiologic restora-  or indirectly, as chemically altered derivatives.  Classes of plant-
           tion, and homeostasis. 9,10  In addition to needling, other forms of   associated chemotherapeutics include the vinca alkaloids (vin-
           somatic afferent stimulation include acupressure, laser acupunc-  blastine, vincristine, and vindesine), the taxanes (paclitaxel and
           ture, and electroacupuncture, wherein one clips electrode wires to   docetaxel), camptothecin derivatives (irinotecan and camptoth-
           the needles to augment the stimulation and neurologic response.   ecin), and the epipodophyllotoxins (etoposide and teniposide).
           Research supports that patients who receive acupuncture require   The search for new and better drugs continues; to date, the NCI
           less medication to control pain. 11,12                has screened tens of thousands of plant species for anticancer
             Specifically, nerve fiber stimulation begins at the needle–tissue   value.  Of  these,  nearly  9%  have  demonstrated  reproducible
           interface, where local alterations in cytokines and inflammatory   activity against cancer. 37
           mediators lead to modulation (i.e., normalization) of circulation   Many  natural  products  from  both  Eastern  (most  notably,
           and immune function in the immediate area surrounding the site   Asian) and  Western herbs have demonstrated  anticancer ben-
           around the needle. 13,14  From there, agitation of the connective   efits through in vitro analysis of their effects on human cancer
           tissue and subsequent tugging of the collagen fibers, fibroblasts,   cell lines.  For example, extracts and pure compounds derived
           and myofascia in the region produce activation of sensory somatic   from the Chinese herb Euphorbia fischeriana Steud exhibit anti-
           and autonomic nerve fibers.  When excited, afferent pathways   tumor, antimicrobial, antiviral, immune stimulating, and analge-
           ferry action potentials along large nerve axons that underlie and     sic activities.  Research on mice has shown E. fischeriana extracts
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