Page 42 - Withrow and MacEwen's Small Animal Clinical Oncology, 6th Edition
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CHAPTER 1  The Etiology of Cancer  21

                                                                 beneficial, as has imiquimod cream (Aldara) applied topically
                                                                 every 24 to 48 hours. 406  A new recombinant canine oral papil-
                                                                 lomavirus vaccine (COPV) produced by Georgetown University                                                    Medical center has been reported effective. The vaccine presents
                                                                 the capsid protein L1 of CPV-1 and was given in six injections;
                                                                 after the initial vaccination, three booster vaccines were given
                                                                 every 2 weeks followed by two more boosters given monthly. 406
                                                                 Corticosteroids should be avoided because they are thought to
                                                                 contribute to papilloma dissemination. 293,409
                                                                   Most systemic chemotherapeutic agents (e.g., bleomycin, vin-
                                                                 cristine, cyclophosphamide, and doxorubicin) have failed to cause
                                                                 regression of papillomas. However, the retinoid drug etretinate (1
                                                                 mg/kg PO every 24 hours) has been effective in some dogs with
                                                                 persistent papillomas. 294  Topical or intralesional compounds con-
                                                                 taining 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) have been used in both humans and
           • Fig. 1.11  Multiple cutaneous papillomatosis in the inguinal region of a dog.  dogs to treat papillomas. 406  In the past, autologous wart vaccines
                                                                 have been recommended, but they have proved of little value in
                                                                 the treatment of resistant papillomatosis in the dog. 287  In at least
             Canine genital papillomas are considered uncommon but   one study papillomavirus vaccines have been shown to prevent the
           venereal in nature and are characterized by raised papillomatous   development of oral papillomas in the dog; however, cutaneous
           plaques on the penis or vaginal mucosa.               neoplasms at the injection sites have been attributed to adminis-
             Canine footpad papilloma was first noted in young greyhounds   tration of the vaccines. 285,295,296  
           but now is recognized in adult dogs and other breeds. It may be
           present on multiple footpads, interdigital spaces, and on multiple
           limbs. 289,406                                       Tumor-Causing Viruses of the Cat
             Ocular papillomas, which are less numerous and less common   Papillomaviruses
           than the oral type, appear on the conjunctiva, cornea, and eyelid
           margins (see Fig. 1.10). 287  Experimentally, viruses isolated from   Feline viral papillomatosis is a less commonly recognized clinical
           ocular lesions can produce oral papillomatosis, although whether   condition caused by a papillomavirus specific to the cat. 409  The
           this occurs in nature is unknown. 284  Ocular papillomatosis most   virus is widespread in the cat population, and most infections
           frequently occurs in dogs 6 months to 4 years of age, but it occa-  are asymptomatic. 408  At least three papilloma viruses FcaPV-1,
           sionally is reported in older dogs.                   -2, -3, have been recently sequenced for the domestic cat and
             Although papillomatosis generally should be considered a   are responsible for cutaneous plaques, bowenoid in situ carci-
           benign disease, in rare cases oral and corneal papillomas have   noma (Bowen disease), and cutaneous SCC. 403  These viruses
           transformed into SCC. 281,282                         are thought to be genomically similar to the canine isolates
                                                                 but are considered species specific. 297  Bovine papillomavirus
           Treatment                                             BPV-14 is thought to be responsible for feline sarcoid. 403  Pap-
           Most clinicians elect not to treat papillomatosis because of the lack   illomavirus-associated lesions have been reported in six species
           of proven efficacy of recommended treatments and the expected   of felids besides the domestic cat: the mountain lion, Florida
           spontaneous regression of these tumors; however, if the number   panther, bobcat, Asian lion, snow leopard, and clouded leop-
           of papillomas increases or if the animal has significant dysphagia,   ard. 298,299  Unlike in the domestic cat, in which the lesions com-
           owners often request treatment. Surgical excision, cryotherapy,   monly affect areas of haired skin, papillomas in exotic species
           laser surgery, radiation therapy, electrocautery, or surgery for just a   most often are found in the oral cavity, similar to those in the
           few lesions has resulted in regression of the remaining papillomas,   dog. 298,302  Despite the clinical similarities, genetic and antigenic
           presumably through immunologic mechanisms. 287,290,291  studies indicate that each species of felid is infected by a unique
             If  surgery is  performed,  seeding  of the  virus  is a  possible   papillomavirus.
           complication, resulting in lesion recurrence. The exact mecha-
           nism by which regression of papillomas occurs is unknown.   Pathogenesis
           Serum from dogs in which papillomas have undergone spon-  In cats, as in other species, papillomas are believed to develop
           taneous regression not only fails to produce tumor regression   after the virus is introduced through lesions or abrasions in the
           when administered to infected animals, but may enhance exist-  skin. Unlike in the dog most feline case reports involve older cats
           ing tumor growth. This effect may be a result of induction of   (6 to 13 years of age), although papillomavirus lesions have been
           blocking antigen-antibody factors, which may impede cytotoxic   reported in kittens as young as 6 to 7 months old. 300,301  As in
           lymphocyte action on target cells. CD4 T cells activate macro-  other species, impaired T-cell function likely plays a significant
           phages and have been shown to inhibit the virus in dogs, and   role in lesion formation. Papillomas in cats that are receiving
           administration  of  immune  lymphocytes  from  dogs  in  which   immunosuppressive therapy or are infected with the feline immu-
           tumors have regressed has been shown to enhance regression. 283    nodeficiency virus (FIV) support this hypothesis.
           Interferon-α also has been tried therapeutically, with some   Although papillomas most frequently are benign lesions, recent
           success  (1–3  million  IU/m   given  subcutaneously  three  times   studies have associated the papillomavirus with SCCs and other
           a  week  [Monday-Wednesday-Friday]),  and  chemotherapy  of   malignant neoplasms in cats 302 ; specifically, papillomavirus has
           resistant lesions has produced variable results. 292  Azithromycin   been isolated from 30 of 63 SCC in situ skin lesions. Through
           (5–10 mg/kg PO every 12 to 48 hours) has been reported to be   the use of PCR techniques, papillomaviruses have been found in
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