Page 45 - Withrow and MacEwen's Small Animal Clinical Oncology, 6th Edition
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24    PART I    The Biology and Pathogenesis of Cancer

         the time of experimental infection to tumor production is 1 to   polyionic dye used to treat filariasis in humans), nucleoside ana-
         23 months (mean, 5.3 months). 355,356  The younger the cat when   logs (AZT, DDC, DDA, and PNEA), glucose homopolymers,
                                                               dextran sulfate, phosphonate, and others.
                                                                                                       More detailed
         infected with FeLV, the shorter the time to the development of  neoplastic disease. Some cats infected with FeLV die of immuno-  descriptions  of these therapies are provided elsewhere. 371,374  In
                                                               general, most of these agents have shown efficacy in vitro against
         suppressive disease before tumors have a chance to develop. 
         Treatment of Feline Leukemia Virus Infections         FeLV, the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and in some
                                                               cases, FIV. Most of these drugs result in some reduction in vire-
         Although no effective treatment exists to eliminate established   mia in vivo, but none are capable of reversing established viremia,
         FeLV infection in cats, a variety of antiviral drugs and biologic   although some may prevent viremia if administered prophylacti-
         response modifiers (BRMs) have been used to manage retroviral   cally. Most of these drugs cause significant adverse effects at the
         infections in cats and humans. The mainstay of therapy for cats   dosages needed to produce antiviral effects and therefore have not
         infected with FeLV or other retroviruses is supportive care. 357–359    gained popularity in clinical practice. Azidothymidine (AZT, zid-
         Maintaining hydration and nutritional status not only prolongs   ovudine) is the most widely studied RT inhibitor. 375  AZT inhibits
         life, but also enhances quality of life. The cat should be kept in   FeLV reverse transcriptase when administered at a dosage of 10 to
         a humid environment to reduce the chance of water loss. Appe-  20 mg/kg in daily divided doses. AZT prevents viremia if given
         tite stimulants and placement of gastrostomy tubes may facilitate   within 72 hours of exposure to FeLV. The antiviral effects of AZT
         nutritional therapy. The cat’s requirement for B vitamins is eight   appear  to  be  synergistic  with  human  recombinant  interferon-
         times that of the dog, and dietary concentrations must be main-  α-2a. 376,377  Reversal of established experimental FeLV viremia
         tained to maintain appetite. Semimoist cat foods often contain   through adoptive transfer of lectin/IL-2–activated lymphocytes,
         propylene glycol, which can shorten red blood cell survival. These   interferon-α, and AZT has been reported. 
         foods, although often quite palatable, should not be used for the
         nutritional management of cats infected with FeLV. 358  Many cats   Prevention and Control
         with FeLV are anemic, but administering erythropoietin is not   The most effective means of preventing FeLV infection is to elimi-
         helpful because endogenous erythropoietin levels usually are 20   nate contact with viremic cats. The “test and removal” program
         times normal. 360                                     is the most effective means of controlling FeLV in multiple-cat
                                                               households. 378  The program consists of closing the household or
         Biologic Response Modifiers                           cattery to new cats, testing the remaining cats every 3 months, and
         A variety of BRMs have been used in cats infected with FeLV, 361–  removing all animals that test positive. When all cats test nega-
         369  but none has shown benefit in controlled trials. A few of the   tive for two consecutive sessions, the facility is determined to be
         most popular are discussed here.                      FeLV free. New cats may enter the household or facility only after
            Human recombinant, bovine, and feline interferons have been   a 3-month quarantine and two negative FeLV tests. The test and
         studied extensively for the management of FeLV infection, but   removal system has been shown to reduce the incidence of FeLV
         the results have been mixed. However, some uncontrolled stud-  in a variety of settings and geographic locations. 378  
         ies have shown improvement in the clinical status of cats treated
         with oral human recombinant interferon-α, 368  and one study in   Prevention by Vaccination
         a limited number of cats using feline interferon subcutaneously   Vaccinations help control or eliminate many infectious diseases
         showed improvement compared with placebo-treated controls. 410    in veterinary medicine. The first commercial FeLV vaccine was
         Larger controlled trials are needed to establish the true efficacy   introduced in 1985. Since then many FeLV vaccine products have
         of interferon products. Orally administered interferon probably is   been licensed for sale to veterinarians in the United States. Despite
         inactivated by gastric acid in the stomach. Parenterally adminis-  the fact that FeLV vaccines have been available for decades, they
         tered interferons from other species (i.e., bovine and human) are   come with the risk of injection site tumors. The frequency of use
         likely to have only temporary activity because of the production   of FeLV vaccines continues to be debated, especially in adult cats,
         of neutralizing antibodies.                           most of which develop age-acquired immunity. In addition to
            Carrisyn (Acemannan) is a BRM designed to enhance mac-  age-acquired immunity and the risk of injection site tumors, most
         rophage phagocytosis and cell killing. Viremic cats treated with   currently available FeLV vaccines, although effective in prevent-
         Carrisyn have been reported to improve clinically; however, the   ing persistent viremia, fail to prevent latent infections of the bone
         studies reporting these results have not been well controlled, and   marrow after challenge. Some studies of available vaccines have
         the observed benefit may be due to the natural waxing and waning   reported efficacies ranging from 0% to 100%. 379,380
         of the clinical course commonly observed in FeLV-positive cats. 369  FeLV vaccination issues are discussed elsewhere. 341  However,
            A lymphocyte T-cell immunomodulator (LTCI) recently has   several comments about FeLV vaccines should help practitio-
         become commercially available for the treatment of cats infected   ners decide whether to use FeLV vaccines in their practice. FeLV
         with FeLV and FIV. The true efficacy of this product, if any, awaits   vaccines may contain two or three subgroup antigens. Because
         the results of controlled trials in cats. 370         only subgroup A is transmitted contagiously between cats, vac-
            The apparent positive effect of many of the BRMs, which, in   cines need only to contain subgroup A. Their primary means of
         fact, may be due to the anabolic effect observed with some of these   protecting against tumor development is preventing persistent
         cytokines, is thought to be based on endorphin release rather than   viremia. If a vaccine protects against persistent FeLV infection,
         a direct effect on the viral infection.               it need not contain FOCMA. The value of FOCMA in FeLV
                                                               vaccines has yet to be proven. Vaccines should protect against a
         Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors                      variety of strains of subgroup A, and none of the available vac-
         Drugs that inhibit RT and retrovirus integration into the host   cines contain more than one strain of subgroup A. Differences
         cell have been evaluated for their potential use in the treatment   in published comparative studies of vaccine efficacy probably
         of FeLV-positive cats. The drugs evaluated include suramin (a   are related to differences in vaccine strains and to the challenge
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