Page 465 - Withrow and MacEwen's Small Animal Clinical Oncology, 6th Edition
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CHAPTER 23  Cancer of the Gastrointestinal Tract  443

           In one series of 39 dogs with oral SCC, the overall median PFS time   217 days after hemimandibulectomy, and 192 days when more
           was 36 months, with 1- and 3-year PFS rates of 72% and 55%,   than 50% of the mandible was resected.  Expansile, blastic, and
           respectively.  Local tumor control was more successful with smaller
                                                                 discrete lesions are often more resectable than invasive, lytic, and  lesions; the median PFS time for T1 tumors (<2 cm diameter) was   ill-defined lesions. The use of esophagostomy or gastrostomy tubes
           not reached and greater than 68 months compared with 28 months
                                                                 may be necessary to provide supplemental nutrition in these cats
           for T2 tumors (2–4 cm diameter) and 8 months for dogs with T3   for up to 4 months postoperatively. 90
           tumors (>4 cm diameter).  Other favorable prognostic factors for   RT alone is generally considered ineffective in the management
           dogs receiving orthovoltage irradiation include rostral tumor loca-  of cats with oral SCC. In nine cats treated with an accelerated radia-
           tion, maxillary SCC, and young age.  Rostral tumors (MST of 28   tion protocol (14 fractions of 3.5 Gy delivered twice daily for 9
           months compared with 2–10 months for caudal to extensive tumors),   days), the overall MST was 86 days and, although not significant,
           nonrecurrent tumors (MST 29 months compared with 7 months for   the MST for cats with a complete response was 298 days. 100  The
           recurrent SCC), portal size less than 100 cm /m  (MST 24 months   combination  of  RT  with  radiation  sensitizers  or  chemotherapy
           compared with 7 months), and age less than 6 years (MST of 39   improves response rates and STs. Using the same accelerated radia-
           months compared with 10 months) are good prognostic factors for   tion protocol with carboplatin resulted in a 52% complete and
           dogs treated with orthovoltage RT.  Younger age is also prognostic   22% partial response rate at 30 days with a MST of 163 days in 31
           for dogs treated with megavoltage RT, as the MST of 315 days for   cats. 101  Intratumoral etanidazole, a hypoxic cell sensitizer, resulted in
           dogs with oral SCC and older than 9 years is significantly shorter than   a 100% partial response rate in nine cats completing the RT course,
           the 1080 day MST for dogs younger than 9 years. 81    with a median decrease in tumor size of 70% and a MST of 116
             Chemotherapy is indicated for dogs with metastatic disease, dogs   days.  Gemcitabine was used at low doses as a radiation sensitizer
           with bulky disease, and when owners decline surgery and RT; how-  in eight cats with oral SCC, with an overall response rate of 75%,
           ever, although responses are noted in the macroscopic (gross disease)   including two cats with complete responses, for a median duration
           setting, durability of response is expected to be short (2–3 months).   of 43 days and an MST of 112 days.  However, gemcitabine is
           As the metastatic potential of oral SCC in dogs is relatively low, the   not recommended as a radiosensitizer in cats because of significant
           role of adjuvant chemotherapy in minimizing the risk of metastatic   hematologic and local tissue toxicities.  The combination of RT
           disease is unknown. In a series of 17 dogs treated with piroxicam   with mitoxantrone holds some promise; in two series of 18 cats,
           alone, the response rate was 17%, with one complete response and   a complete response was observed in 73%, with a median dura-
           two partial responses.  The median PFI for dogs responding to   tion of response of 138 to 170 days and an MST of 184 days. 97,107
           piroxicam was 180 days and significantly longer than the 102 days   Tumor location, clinical stage, and the completeness of response are
           for dogs with stable disease.  The outcome is better when piroxi-  reported prognostic factors. 101,103  Location was a prognostic factor
           cam is combined with either cisplatin or carboplatin. In a series of   in this study, with significantly longer MSTs in cats with SCC of the
           nine dogs treated with piroxicam and cisplatin, the overall MST was   tonsils (not reached, mean 724 days) and cheek (not reached) than
           237 days, with the 56% of dogs responding to this chemotherapy   other locations. 101  A complete response at 30 days was also associ-
           protocol having a significantly better MST (272 days) than nonre-  ated with a significantly longer ST (379 days) than non- or partial
           sponders (116 days).  However, renal toxicity was reported in 41%   responders (115 days). 101
           of dogs in this study and such toxicities limit the clinical usefulness   Hypofractionated RT has also been reported in cats with oral
           of this protocol. In another small series of seven dogs with T3 oral   SCC. An overall response rate of 81%, with an MST of 174
           SCC treated with piroxicam and carboplatin, a complete response   days, was reported in 21 cats treated with an accelerated hypo-
           was observed in 57% of dogs and this response was sustained in all   fractionated RT protocol consisting of 10 daily fractions of 4.8
           dogs at the median follow-up time of 534 days.  Novel therapies   Gy for a total dose of 48 Gy. 103  In 54 cats treated with 8 to
           under investigation include the combination of intralesional bleo-  10 Gy weekly fractions for a total dose of 24 Gy to 40 Gy, the
           mycin and feline interleukin-12 (IL-12) DNA with translesional   radiation-induced adverse effects were considered mild, with the
           electroporation.                                      majority of owners reporting a subjectively improved quality of
                                                                 life. 104  The overall MST was 92 days and cats with sublingual
           Feline Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma                   SCCs had a longer MST (135 days) than cats with mandibular
                                                                 SCC (80 days). 104
           The prognosis for cats with oral SCC is poor. There is no known   Palliative stereotactic RT has been investigated in 20 cats with
           effective treatment that consistently results in durable control or   a 39% overall response rate and a median PFI and MST of 87 and
           survival. Local control is the most challenging problem. In one   106 days, respectively; however, there was a high complication rate
           series of 52 cats, the 1-year survival rate was less than 10%, with   with mandibular fracture in 6 of 11 cats, fibrosis in three of six cats
           MSTs of 3 months or less for surgery alone, surgery and RT, RT   with lingual SCC, and oronasal fistula in one of three cats with
           and low-dose chemotherapy, or RT and hyperthermia.  However,   maxillary SCC. 105,106  In this study, cats with a low Bmi-1 percent-
           42% of these cats had SCC involving the tongue, pharynx, or   age, which is an oncogene responsible for suppression of cell-cycle
           tonsils. In another series of 54 cats treated in general practice, the   inhibitors and confers resistance to both chemotherapy and RT,
           MST was 44 days, with a 10% 1-year survival rate.  The oncologic   had a significantly better outcome with longer median PFI than
           outcome may be better for cats with mandibular SCC. The MST   cats with a higher Bmi-1 percentage. 106  Other prognostic factors
           for seven cats treated with a combination of mandibulectomy and   for cats with oral SCC treated with stereotactic RT include sex,
           RT was 14 months, with a 1-year survival rate of 57%.  Local   tumor microvascular density, and degree of keratinization. 105
           recurrence was the cause of failure in 86% of these cats between 3   Localized irradiation with strontium-90 may be effective for
           and 36 months after therapy. In another series of 22 cats treated   selected cats with very superficial disease. 183
           with mandibulectomy alone, the median DFI was 340 days.    Chemotherapy appears to be largely ineffective in the manage-
           Tumor location and extent of resection had prognostic impor-  ment of cats with oral SCC. No responses were observed in 18 cats
           tance, with an MST of 911 days for rostral mandibulectomies,   treated with liposome-encapsulated cisplatin or 13 cats treated
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