Page 461 - Withrow and MacEwen's Small Animal Clinical Oncology, 6th Edition
P. 461

CHAPTER 23  Cancer of the Gastrointestinal Tract  439

            TABLE 23.3     Various Mandibulectomies  Mandibulectomy   Indications                Comments
             Unilateral rostral
                            Lesions confined to rostral hemimandible;
                                                             and adamantinoma that do not require removal of entire
                              not crossing midline         Most common tumor types are squamous cell carcinoma
                                                             affected bone; tongue may lag to resected side.

             Bilateral rostral  Bilateral rostral lesions crossing the    Tongue will be “too long,” and some cheilitis of chin skin
                              symphysis                      will occur; has been performed as far back as PM4 but
                                                             preferably at PM1.

             Vertical ramus  Low-grade bony or cartilaginous lesions   These tumors are variously called chondroma rodens or
                              confined to vertical ramus     multilobular osteosarcoma; temporomandibular joint may
                                                             be removed; cosmesis and function are excellent.

             Complete unilateral  High-grade tumors with extensive involve-  Usually reserved for aggressive tumors; function and
                              ment of horizontal ramus or invasion into   cosmesis are good.
                              medullary canal of ramus

             Segmental      Low-grade midhorizontal ramus cancer,   Poor choice for highly malignant cancer in medullary cavity
                              preferably not into medullary cavity  because growth along mandibular artery, vein, and nerve
                                                             is common.

            TABLE 23.4     Various Maxillectomies
             Procedure        Indications                   Comments
             Unilateral rostral  Lesions confined to hard palate on one side  One-layer closure.

             Bilateral rostral  Bilateral lesions of rostral hard palate  Needs viable buccal mucosa on both sides for flap

             Lateral         Laterally placed midmaxillary lesions  Single-layer closure if small defect, two-layer if

             Bilateral       Bilateral palatine lesions     High rate of closure dehiscence because lip flap
                                                              rarely reaches from side to side; may result in
                                                              permanent oronasal fistula.
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