Page 535 - Withrow and MacEwen's Small Animal Clinical Oncology, 6th Edition
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CHAPTER 24  Tumors of the Respiratory System  513

           an electrode within a tumor and generating heat; the heat results   not statistically significant, the mean ST of dogs with SCC was
           in coagulative necrosis in a defined region. 365,367,368  The goal is to   8 months and the mean ST of dogs with adenocarcinoma was 19
                                                                 months in one study.
           produce a 360-degree region of necrosis around the tumor with  a 1 cm thick margin of normal tissue included. 365,367  RFA has   and based the prognostic evaluation on the WHO classification
                                                                   A recent study evaluated 42 dogs with primary lung tumors
           been performed in dogs with experimentally induced transmis-
           sible venereal tumor of the lung. 370  In five dogs, RFA was applied   scheme. 374  In these cases, 34 tumors were carcinomas (26 papil-
           percutaneously with CT guidance to 14 tumors. Upon harvest   lary adenocarcinomas) and eight were sarcomas. Fourteen of the
           of the affected lung lobes, gross and histopathologic evaluations   carcinomas and two of the sarcomas were T1N0M0. Dogs with
           demonstrated complete thermal coagulation necrosis of all treated   papillary adenocarcinomas and a clinical stage of T1N0M0 had
           lesions, and viable tumor was not identified in any dogs. 370  the best overall prognosis with an MST of 555 days; this ST was
             Regional chemotherapy has been developed with the goal of   significantly longer than dogs with any other tumor type or dogs
           increasing  the  efficacy  of  chemotherapy  agents  and  decreasing   with a worse clinical stage. 374  Dogs with other tumor types had an
           systemic side effects. 371  Regional delivery allows for increased   MST of 72 days. 374
           concentrations of chemotherapy to be delivered to the tumor by   In regard to localized HS, one retrospective study reported that
           selective catheterization of the tumoral arterial supply. 371  Regional   surgical excision and adjuvant therapy with CCNU resulted in an
           techniques involving the administration of chemotherapy into the   MST of 568 days. 355  Interestingly, five out of 16 dogs within that
           bronchial arteries and pulmonary arteries have been described   study had localized pulmonary lesions.
           in several human studies. 369,371,372  Recently, in an experimental   The prognosis is guarded to poor for cats with primary lung
           model study, significantly higher concentrations of chemotherapy   carcinomas. In one retrospective study of 21 cats treated with lung
           agents (gemcitabine and carboplatin) were noted in pulmonary   lobectomy, 286  the overall MST was 115 days. The only prognostic
           tissue treated with regional techniques (selective pulmonary artery   factor in this study was histologic grade; the MST for cats with
           perfusion) than intravenous administration. 372  The indications   moderately differentiated carcinomas was 698 days compared with
           and clinical use of these treatments, while developing, still remains   only 75 days for cats with poorly differentiated carcinomas. In a
           to be determined in veterinary patients.              separate study, cats with low-grade tumors had an MST of 730
                                                                 days compared with 105 days for cats with high-grade tumors. 287
           Prognosis                                               Similar to dogs, LN enlargement in cats significantly decreased
                                                                 MST to 65 days from 498 days for cats with no evidence of
           In one clinical study of 67 dogs undergoing removal of primary   lymphadenomegaly. 287  The TNM staging scheme also correlated
           lung tumors, the overall MST was 361 days. 281  Prognostic fac-  with ST in cats; cats staged T1N0M0 live significantly longer than
           tors included the presence of clinical signs, clinical stage, tumor   cats with higher stages. 286  In this same study, the MST in cats
           type, and histologic grade. Dogs with clinical signs associated   with clinical signs was 4 days compared with 578 days in asymp-
           with a primary lung tumor had an MST of 240 days compared   tomatic cats. 289  Pleural effusion has been identified as a negative
           with 545 days for asymptomatic dogs. Dogs with single solitary   prognostic factor; in two studies, the MST were less than 3 days
           lung tumors (T1 clinical stage) had an MST of 790 days, which   and  31 to 467 days  in cats  with  and without  pleural  effusion,
           was significantly longer than dogs with multiple lung tumors (T2   respectively. 287,289
           clinical stage, 196 days) and dogs with lung tumors invading into
           adjacent structures (T3 clinical stage, 81 days). Finally, the MST   Comparative Aspects
           for dogs with grade I lung carcinomas was 790 days, and this was
           significantly longer than the MSTs of 251 days and 5 days for dogs   Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in the United
           with grade II and III lung carcinomas, respectively. 281  States and worldwide. 375  Approximately 85% of human lung can-
             One study evaluated the effect of several variables on remis-  cers are NSCLC, with the remainder being small-cell lung cancer.
           sion and survival in dogs with primary lung tumors. 373  Dogs for   NSCLC are composed of three distinct histologic subtypes: SCC,
           which surgery was successful in rendering them free of macro-  adenocarcinoma, and large-cell lung cancer. Large airway origin
           scopic disease lived significantly longer than dogs that had gross   tumors predominated in humans through the 1960s and were
           disease  postoperatively. 373   Factors  significantly  associated  with   commonly associated with smoking cigarettes. Adenocarcinoma
           remission included limited degree of primary tumor involvement,   arising from the smaller airways now predominates in human
           normal sized LNs, and lack of metastatic disease. 373  In a separate   patients, likely a result of changes to tobacco blends and the use
           study of 15 dogs, trends for longer STs were noted in dogs with   of cigarette filters. 376
           adenocarcinoma versus SCC, dogs with peripheral lesions versus   If curative-intent resection can be performed, prognosis for
           lesions that involved an entire lobe, and dogs with tumor volume   human patients with NSCLC is largely dependent on clini-
           <100 cm  compared with dogs with tumor volume >100 cm .  cal stage with 5-year survival rates greater than 60% to 70% for
                                                         3 282
             The MST for dogs with no evidence of LN (N0) was 452 days,   patients with stage I disease. Five-year survival rates are approxi-
           and this was significantly longer than the MST of 26 days for dogs   mately 30% to 40%, 10% to 30%, and less than 5% for patients
           with tracheobronchial LN metastasis (N1). 281  In another study,   with stage II, stage III, and stage IV disease, respectively. 350
           dogs with LN enlargement diagnosed before surgery survived for   Inherited cancer syndromes caused by germ-line p53 muta-
           a median time of 60 days, whereas dogs without LN enlargement   tions, retinoblastoma (Rb), EGFR, and other genes have been
           had a MST of 285 days. 373  A similar finding was noted in a more   reported to increase the risk of lung cancer. Furthermore, asso-
           recent study where dogs with lymphadenomegaly had MSTs of   ciations between single-nucleotide polymorphism variations have
           126 days versus a MST that had not been reached in the dogs   been linked to lung carcinogenesis and may be associated with
           without lymphadenomegaly. 284  In dogs for which a surgical remis-  nicotine exposure. DNA synthesis and repair genes may also play a
           sion could be achieved, MST is 330 days versus 28 days in dogs   role in the development and prognosis of lung cancer. Commonly
           that could not be rendered free of visible disease. 373  Although   acquired molecular abnormalities in human lung cancer include,
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