Page 62 - Withrow and MacEwen's Small Animal Clinical Oncology, 6th Edition
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CHAPTER 2  Tumor Biology and Metastasis  41

            Cytochrome C     Bax         P53                      TABLE 2.1     Key Differences Between Oncogenes and
                                                                            Tumor Suppressor Genes
                                                     FADD                                                      Oncogenes             Tumor Suppressor Genes
                                                                   Altered versions of proto-
                                                                                         Genes involved in blocking cellular
                         APAF-1                                      oncogenes that play a   proliferation. Considered to be the
                                                                     role in promoting cellular   cellular “brakes.”
               Bcl-2                                                 proliferation. Considered to
                                     Initiator Caspases
                                                   Caspase 8         be the cellular “gas pedal.”
                                                                   Mutation at the cellular level   Mutations are recessive and
                                    Effector Caspases                causes a dominant gain of   require loss of both alleles
                                                                     function.             for a phenotypic change.
                                                                   Mutation causes a gain of   Mutation causes a loss of function.
                                      APOPTOSIS                      function.
           • Fig. 2.5  p53 is involved in cell cycle control. The p53 response to stress   Mutations occur in somatic   Mutations can occur in germ cells
           may be mediated by DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) or by the   cells.     (inherited cancer predisposition)
           ATM kinase and leads to phosphorylation of the N terminus of p53. In            and/or can arise in somatic cells.
           normal cells, p53 is short lived; however, phosphorylated p53 is stabilized
           and can then function as a transcriptional regulator binding to sequences
           and transactivating a number of genes, including p21 and Bax. Conse-
           quently, the cell cycle is arrested or the cell undergoes programmed cell   Oncogenes
           death (apoptosis). The cellular levels of the p53 protein are regulated by
           the product of another gene mouse double minute 2 oncogene (MDM2).   The RNA tumor viruses (retroviruses) provided the first evidence
           The principal role of MDM2 is to act as a negative regulator of p53 func-  that genetic factors play a role in the development of cancer. The
           tion. One mechanism for MDM2 to downregulate p53 is to target p53 for   initial observation came in 1910, when Rous demonstrated that
           degradation. The p53 protein is maintained in normal cells as an unstable   a filterable agent (later classified as a retrovirus and termed avian
           protein, and its interaction with p53 can target p53 for degradation via a   leukosis virus) was capable of producing lymphoid tumors in
           ubiquitin proteosome pathway. MDM2 can also control p53 function by   33
           suppressing p53 transcriptional activity. MDM2 is a transcriptional target   chickens.  Retroviruses have three core genes (gag, pol, and env)
           of p53, and expression is induced by the binding of p53 to an internal pro-  and an additional gene that gives the virus the ability to transform
           moter within the MDM2 gene. MDM2 can in turn bind to a domain within   cells. Retroviral sequences responsible for transforming properties
           the amino terminus of p53, thereby inhibiting the transcriptional activity   are called viral oncogenes (v-onc). The names of these genes are
           and G1 arrest function of p53 by masking access to the transcriptional   derived from the tumors in which they were first described (e.g.,
           machinery.                                            v-ras from rat sarcoma virus).
                                                                   Viral  oncogenes  were  subsequently  shown  to  have  cellu-
             In 2011 a new phenomenon was described that challenges   lar homologs called  cellular oncogenes (c-onc). Later, the term
           the  slower,  stepwise  progression  of  cancer  development;  this   proto-oncogene was used to describe cellular oncogenes that do
           phenomenon suggests that thousands of clustered chromosomal   not have transforming potential to form tumors in their native
           rearrangements could occur in a single event in localized and   state but can be altered to lead to malignancy.  Most proto-
           confined genomic regions in one or a few chromosomes. This   oncogenes are key genes involved in the control of cell growth
           event, known as  chromothrypsis, occurs through one massive   and proliferation, and their roles are complex. For simplicity,
           genomic  rearrangement  during  a  single  catastrophic  event  in   their sites and modes of action in the normal cell can be divided
           the cell’s history. 30–32  Although chromothrypsis may occur as an   as follows (Table 2.2):
           early event in cancer cells, leading to more rapid transforma-    •   Growth factors
           tion through loss of TS function or gain of oncogene function,     •   Growth factor receptors
           the phenomenon has never been recapitulated in experimental     •   Protein kinases
           models, but rather remains a cytogenomic observation in several     •   Signal transducers
           pediatric cancers. Indeed, the lack of mechanistic understanding     •   Nuclear proteins and transcription factors 
           of chromothrypsis has limited its study in conventional animal
           models. 30–32                                         Growth Factors
             Irrespective of speed of development, these events in tumor
           formation are a consequence of changes in genes or the regulation   Growth factors (GFs) are molecules that act on the cell via cell
           of gene expression. Over the past 30 years cancer research has gen-  surface receptors. Their contribution to carcinogenesis may
           erated a rich and complex body of information revealing that can-  be through excessive production of the GF or through ectopic
           cer is a disease involving dynamic changes in the genome. Seminal   expression in a cell type that does not normally express that GF. 
           to our understanding of cancer biology has been the discovery of
           the so-called cancer genes or oncogenes and TS genes. Mutations that   Growth Factor Receptors
           produce oncogenes with dominant gain of function and TS genes
           with recessive loss of function have been identified through their   Several proto-oncogene–derived proteins form a part of cell sur-
           alterations in human and animal cancer cells and by their elicita-  face receptors for GFs. The binding of GF ligand to receptor is the
           tion of cancer phenotypes in experimental models. A summary of   initial stage of the delivery of mitogenic signals to cells. Their role
           the differences between oncogenes and TS genes is highlighted in   in carcinogenesis may be through structural alterations in these
           Table 2.1.                                            proteins, leading to enhanced or constitutive activation. 
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