Page 68 - Withrow and MacEwen's Small Animal Clinical Oncology, 6th Edition
P. 68

CHAPTER 2  Tumor Biology and Metastasis  47

                                                              synthesis                                                                fork movement

                                                          RNA primer
                                                      fragment                    Telomeric repeats

                             Telomere                          Lagging
                             lengths                 B         strand
                              (Kbp)                           synthesis

                                                End replication problem

                           Critically                       Senescence (M1)
                                                                   Crisis (M2)
                           A                               Population doublings
                           • Fig. 2.7  A) Telomeric attrition in cultured cells. In mammalian cells the DNA is organized into chromo-
                           somes within the nucleus, and these are capped by specialized DNA-protein structures known as telo-
                           meres. The major function of these structures is protection, but they are progressively eroded at each
                           cell division because of the inability of DNA to completely replicate itself.  This is referred to as the “End
                           Replication Problem”, and arises because of the inability of chromosomes to completely replicate their
                           extreme 5  ends (B). The result is that there is progressive telomeric attrition as cell populations double.
                           After an estimated 50 cell divisions, cells enter an irreversible (and prolonged) state of cellular senescence
                           (sometimes referred to as mortality stage 1 [M1]). This period is characterized by arrest of proliferation
                           without loss of biochemical function or viability. At the end of this period, cells exhibit altered morphology
                           and chromosomal instability, a state often referred to as crisis (mortality stage 2 [M2]).
           DNA-protein structures known as telomeres.  The major func-  malignancies, resulting in stabilized telomere length. The telom-
           tion of these structures is protection, but they are progressively   erase complex consists of an RNA subunit that contains a domain
           eroded at each cell division because of the inability of DNA to   complementary to the telomeric repeat sequence TTAGGG and
           completely replicate itself. The result is progressive telomeric attri-  a catalytic protein component. The catalytic protein component
           tion as cell populations double. After an estimated 50 cell divi-  acts as a reverse transcriptase and can catalyze the addition of telo-
           sions, cells enter an irreversible (and prolonged) state of cellular   meric repeats onto the ends of chromosomes, using the RNA sub-
           senescence (sometimes referred to as mortality stage 1 [M1]). This   unit as a template (see Fig. 2.7). It is now well documented that
           period is characterized by arrest of proliferation without loss of   the level of telomerase in malignant tissue, compared with normal
           biochemical function or viability. At the end of this period cells   tissue, is much higher, and this differential is greater than that
           exhibit altered morphology and chromosomal instability, a state   for classic enzymatic targets, such as thymidylate synthase, dihy-
           often referred to as crisis (mortality stage 2 [M2]) (Fig. 2.7). Thus   drofolate reductase, or topoisomerase II.  Telomerase biology is
           telomeric attrition is intimately involved with the aging of cells.   complex, and the mechanisms by which telomerase becomes reac-
           Cancer cells must overcome replicative senescence and take on an   tivated in tumor cells is the subject of intense research. However,
           immortal phenotype.                                   this represents an exciting opportunity for further understanding
             It has now been demonstrated in human tumors, and more   the complex biology of cancer and also the identification of com-
           recently  in  tumors  of  the  dog,  that telomere  maintenance  is  a   pletely novel targets for therapy. 
           feature of virtually all cancer types. 82–89  Tumor cells succeed in
           telomere maintenance by the expression of the enzyme telomer-  Sustained Angiogenesis
           ase. From studies on cellular senescence, expression of the enzyme
           telomerase has emerged as a central unifying mechanism underly-  It is now well accepted that the development of new blood ves-
           ing the immortal phenotype of cancer cells and has thus become   sels from endothelial progenitors (vasculogenesis) or from existing
           the most common marker of malignant cells.  Telomerase is a   blood vessels (angiogenesis) is required for cancer progression and
           ribonucleoprotein enzyme that maintains the protective struc-  metastasis. 91,92  Endothelial cells (EC) or endothelial progenitors
           tures at the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes, at the telomeres. In   are activated by tumor-derived growth factors and result in new
           humans, telomerase expression is repressed in most somatic tis-  capillaries at the tumor site.  In healthy tissue EC proliferation is
           sues, and telomeres shorten with each progressive cell division. In   controlled by a balance between protein factors that activate EC
           contrast, telomerase activity is a common finding in many human   and those that antagonize activation. Malignant tumors provide
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