Page 71 - Withrow and MacEwen's Small Animal Clinical Oncology, 6th Edition
P. 71

50    PART I    The Biology and Pathogenesis of Cancer

         is in contrast to a reductionist view of cancer biology, which con-  tumor-initiating cell, and in other tumors the initiating cell may
         siders the tumor just a mass of tumor cells. In reality, the tumor is   be the resident progenitor or transit-amplifying cell. A character-
                                                               istic of the CSCs is that they undergo asymmetric division and
         a complex system containing cancer cells and supporting cells, all  of which contribute to the maintenance of the malignant popu-  self-renew, providing a continual resident population  of highly
                                                               resistant cancer cells.
         lation and support ultimate dissemination and metastasis. The
         major players in the cancer “organ system” are:          Existing cancer therapies have been largely developed against
           •   Cancer cells and cancer stem cells (CSCs)       the bulk population of tumor cells because they are often identi-
           •   Endothelial cells                               fied by their ability to shrink tumors. Because most cells within
           •   Pericytes                                       a cancer have limited proliferative potential, an ability to shrink
           •   Immune cells                                    a tumor mainly reflects an ability to kill these cells. It seems that
           •   Tumor-associated fibroblasts                    normal stem cells from various tissues tend to be more resistant
                                                               to cytotoxic therapy than mature cell types from the same tissues.
         Cancer Cells and Cancer Stem Cells                    If the same is true of CSCs, then one would predict that these
                                                               cells would be more resistant to cytotoxics than tumor cells with
         The concept that a cancer can arise from any cell in the body,   limited proliferative potential. Even therapies that cause complete
         along with the stochastic model of tumorigenesis, has recently   regression of tumors might spare enough CSCs to allow regrowth
         been challenged. 104–107  Although tumor heterogeneity is a well-  of the tumors. Therapies that are more specifically directed against
         established concept, a new dimension to heterogeneity has been   CSCs might result in much more durable responses and even cures
         established that suggests that a tumor may contain a hierarchical   of metastatic tumors. In veterinary oncology putative stem cell
         structure similar to many normal organ systems. Recent evidence    populations have been identified for breast, bone, brain, and liver
         suggests the existence of CSCs (sometimes termed tumor-initiating     tumors. 104–107,118–120  Interestingly, stem cell populations appear
         cells), which form the founder cell population for a tumor.    to have altered DNA repair pathways, which may explain their
         It was first extensively documented for leukemia and multiple   resistance to conventional drugs. Identification of these popula-
         myeloma that only a small subset of cancer cells are capable of   tions, coupled with the availability of microarray and microRNA
         extensive proliferation. For example, when mouse myeloma cells   array technology, is allowing the identification of potential thera-
         were obtained from mouse ascites, separated from normal hema-  peutic targets.
         topoietic cells, and put in in vitro colony-forming assays, only 1 in   Recent research has linked the acquisition of CSC characteris-
         100 to 1 in 10,000 cancer cells were able to form colonies. Even   tics with the EMT program, described subsequently in the section
         when leukemic cells were transplanted in vivo, only 1% to 4% of   on metastasis. 120  Cells that undergo EMT also take on character-
         cells could form spleen colonies. 106–114  Because the differences in   istics reminiscent of the CSC phenotype. For example, they have
         clonogenicity among the leukemia cells mirrored the differences   the ability to self-renew and may support the ability of cells to
         in clonogenicity among normal hematopoietic cells, the clono-  colonize outside of the primary tumor. One may speculate that
         genic leukemic cells were described as “leukemic stem cells.”  the signaling processes that support EMT may also serve to main-
            It has also been shown for solid cancers that the cells are phe-  tain the CSC population within a tumor and may also suggest
         notypically heterogeneous and that only a small proportion of   plasticity in CSC populations. 
         cells are clonogenic in culture and in vivo. 114–117  For example,
         only 1 in 1000 to 1 in 5000 lung cancer, ovarian cancer, or   Endothelial Cells
         neuroblastoma cells were found to form colonies in soft agar.
         Just as in the context of leukemic stem cells, these observations   Much of the heterogeneity in tumors is found in the stromal com-
         led to the hypothesis that only a few cancer cells are actually   partment, and many of these cells are EC, which form the tumor-
         tumorigenic and that these tumorigenic cells could be consid-  associated vasculature. VEGF and basic fibroblast growth factor
         ered CSCs. Although the field and concept of CSCs is a con-  are two prominent signaling molecules in the formation of these
         troversial one, CSCs may prove to be a common constituent of   vessels. More modern sequencing techniques also have identified
         many, if not all, cancer types. Features of the CSC model also fit   new pathways that may represent important signaling systems
         well with a view of metastasis in which only a small number of   for neoangiogenesis and may represent therapeutic targets (e.g.,
         cells within a tumor have the ability (and plasticity) to endure   Notch signaling). 121  
         the stresses of metastatic progression, survive during a dormant
         period, and then progress, proliferate, and differentiate into the   Pericytes
         complex heterogenous metastatic lesion.
            If tumor growth and metastasis are driven by a small population   Pericytes are mesenchymal cells that wrap around the endothelial
         of CSCs, this might explain the failure to develop therapies that are   tubing of the blood vessels. Pericytes are considered a major cell
         consistently able to eradicate solid tumors. 104–107  Although cur-  type supporting the tumor vasculature. 122  
         rently available drugs can shrink tumors, these effects are usually
         transient and often do not appreciably extend the life of patients.   Immune Inflammatory Cells
         One reason for the failure of these treatments is the acquisition of
         drug resistance by the cancer cells as they evolve; another possibil-  As described previously, an environment of chronic inflammation
         ity is that existing therapies fail to kill CSCs effectively.  is an important enabling characteristic that supports the acquisi-
            Stem cell populations have been identified in human breast,   tion of cancer-related traits. Cells of the innate immune system
         bone, brain, colon, pancreas, liver, ovary, and skin cancers. 108–112    are particularly crucial for the maintenance of the tumor envi-
         The  actual  origin  of  CSCs  within  solid  tumors  has  not  been   ronment. In particular, tumor macrophages with a specific protu-
         clarified and may actually vary among tumor types. In some   mor phenotype can enhance cellular proliferation, invasion, and
         tumors the resident adult or somatic stem cell may serve as the   neoangiogenesis.  
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