Page 69 - Withrow and MacEwen's Small Animal Clinical Oncology, 6th Edition
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48    PART I    The Biology and Pathogenesis of Cancer

         signals that result in EC survival, motility, invasion, differentia-  observation that the Warburg effect also can be detected in grow-
         tion, and organization. These steps are required to create a sup-  ing cells in the embryo. An expansion of the theory of reprogram-
                                                               ming of energy metabolism in cancer suggests that cancer cells
         portive vasculature for the tumor. In many ways these required  endothelial  processes  share  parallel  features  with  the  processes   have an advantage in a flexibility in their ability to derive ATP.
                                                               This may come from a number of metabolic pathways that derive
         required for the success of a metastatic cancer cell itself. The cre-
         ation of new blood vessels requires the tumors to recruit circulating   ATP from glucose metabolism under aerobic and anaerobic con-
         EC to their site, presumably through the release of growth factors,   ditions, but it may also include efficiencies in metabolizing amino
         such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). Circulating   acids and lipids toward ATP and other biomolecule synthesis.
         EC must survive at their new site with the help of survival signals   Such metabolic flexibility may be necessary during primary tumor
         and form vascular tubes that then reorganize to sustain blood flow.   development, but even more so during metastatic progression (see
         The resulting vasculature of cancers is typically aberrant with often   next section). 
         poorly organized and chaotic vascular structures that are leaky,
         with limited adventitial development and excessive branching.    Evading Immune Destruction
         Once  developed,  this  angiogenic  phenotype  (the  result  of  the
         angiogenic switch) is associated with a diverse pattern of ongoing   It is well defined that primary tumors and metastatic lesions can
         angiogenesis and neovascularization. This ongoing process is likely   elicit both protective and suppressive immune responses. 79–80  B
         complex and involves a wide variety of tumor and microenviron-  cells serve the host by the production of tumor-reactive antibod-
         mental-derived growth factors and signaling molecules. Adding   ies. However, these antibodies may help define tumor-specific
         to this complexity, certain phases of cancer progression likely are   antigens (TSA) and aid in diagnosis, but they tend not to be
         associated with and require periods of antiangiogenesis. Indeed,   protective for the host. Intense research has proven that the most
         these hypovascularized states may directly contribute to the pro-  protective forms of immunity against cancer are provided by the
         gression of certain cancers.  Regulation of angiogenesis depends   cell-mediated arm of the immune system, and immunocompro-
         on the balance between proangiogenic and antiangiogenic factors.   mised animals are at increased risk of tumor development. (Tumor
         There is controversy as to the exact biologic function of thrombo-  immunology is covered in detail in Chapter 14.)
         spondin-1 (TSP1) in angiogenesis. Although some studies suggest   The current and long-standing theory suggests that the cellular
         that TSP1 promotes neovascularization, TSP1 is commonly rec-  and tissue environment is constantly sampled and monitored by
         ognized as an endogenous angiogenesis inhibitor. 96   the immune system. 100  If a tumor is “altered self,” then this should
            Many lines of evidence support the importance of angiogenesis   lead to eradication by a functioning immune system. Although
         in the biology of metastasis. The vascularity of a primary tumor   there is a strong body of evidence to suggest that the immune
         (measured by microvessel density) has been correlated with meta-  system plays a major role in creating a barrier to tumor formation
         static behavior for most human and many veterinary tumors. The   and progression, it is clear that when cancer arises, there is a fail-
         expression  of angiogenesis-associated  growth  or survival  factors   ure of either surveillance or elimination mechanisms or both. 100
         and their receptors (i.e., VEGFR) in serum and in tumors, respec-  Epidemiologic evidence suggests that even the most immunogenic
         tively, has also been correlated with outcome; more recently func-  tumors have the ability to evolve mechanisms to subvert an appar-
         tional imaging studies using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)   ently functioning immune system. This may arise through mul-
         and other means has provided correlates of vascularity with poor   tiple mechanisms, but the best characterized of these include 101 :
         outcome. 97,98  The strength of this biologic argument has sup-    •   Inhibition of the effects of infiltrating cytotoxic T cells or
         ported the development of a number of novel therapeutic agents   natural killer (NK) cells
         with antiangiogenic activities. These agents have moved through     •   Recruitment  of immunosuppressive inflammatory cells
         discovery and development and are now approved drugs for can-  (regulatory  T cells [Treg] or myeloid-derived suppressor
         cer. Additional information regarding angiogenesis and antiangio-  cells (MDSC) and tumor-promoting macrophages
         genic therapy is provided in Chapter 15, Section C.     •   Defective antigen presentation; for example, by downregu-
                                                                    lation of the MHC class-1 machinery in cancer cells
         Reprogramming Energy Metabolism                         •   Failure of cancer cells to express co-stimulatory molecules,
                                                                    creating anergy or tolerance
         The sustained growth and proliferation of a cancer requires a     •   Expression of “immune checkpoint molecules,” such as
         corresponding adjustment of energy metabolism to ensure this   CTLA-4, or programmed-death-1 ligand/receptor (PD/
         growth can be fueled. Under normal conditions, cells respire aer-  PDL-1), which inhibit T-cell function 
         obically in that they metabolize glucose to pyruvate with a net
         gain in energy as ATP.  Cancer cells can undergo a “metabolic   Tissue Invasion and Metastasis
         switch” so that glucose is metabolized to lactate, in the presence or
         absence of oxygen, causing a net energy deficit. A corresponding   The process of invasion and metastasis is covered in detail in sub-
         upregulation of glucose transporters (e.g., GLUT-1) occurs, which   sequent sections of this chapter.
         increases the uptake of glucose into the cytoplasm. This process
         is exploited in  positron-emission  tomography  (PET) imaging   The Enabling Characteristics
         because tumors preferentially uptake a radiolabeled analog of glu-
         cose ( F-fluorodeoxyglucose [FDG]). This metabolic switch is   As previously suggested, the hallmarks of cancer have been defined
         sometimes referred to as the Warburg effect (Fig. 2.8). 99  as functional capabilities that allow cancer cells to survive, prolif-
            It is difficult to appreciate the survival advantage of this mecha-  erate, and disseminate. The fact that these critical hallmarks can
         nism. One hypothesis is that the switch allows the diversion of   be attained within a single cancer is explained by two key enabling
         glycolytic  intermediates into  other  biosynthetic  pathways  that   characteristics of cancer – genome instability and tumor-promot-
         support the production of new cells. This is supported by the   ing inflammation.
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