Page 120 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
P. 120


                        Pointing light at musculoskeletal and neurological

                                         conditions: clinical applications

                        The good physician treats the disease; the great physician   And all these benefits come with no side effects or
                        treats the patient who has the disease.         positive results in doping tests. Next, we will review
                                                      — William Osler   the parameters and particular considerations for
                                                                        treating musculoskeletal conditions, the actions of
                     Together with wound healing, musculoskeletal pain   LT in these tissues, and their most common ailments,
                     and inflammation are the most common applications   followed by sections on outcome improvement and
                     of laser therapy (LT), not only in veterinary practice,   assessment and clinical tips for treating different areas
                     but also in human physiotherapy and sports medicine.   of the body.
                     The reasons can be summarized as follows.            But first, the following are examples of the wide
                                                                        range of LT applications in musculoskeletal problems:
                     •  Enhanced healing  of  the affected  tissues:  LT
                        can  stimulate  osteoblasts,  fibroblasts,  and  muscle   •  muscle tears
                        cells to replicate more and be more metabolically   •  myositis
                        active. These cells will not do something they   •  ligament rupture
                        are not  supposed to  do; they will  just work  more   •  tendinitis
                        efficiently.                                    •  postoperative treatment of fractures and orthope-
                     •  Modulation of  the  inflammatory  response in      dic procedures such as tibial tuberosity advance-
                        all tissues involved: even in fractures, arthritis, or   ment (TTA) and tibial plateau leveling osteotomy
                        tendinitis there are usually several types of tissue   (TPLO)
                        involved, whether this is due to nearby trauma,   •  partial fractures
                        overloading, or other causes. For instance, osteoar-  •  delayed healing fractures
                        thritis affects the bone/cartilage articular surfaces,   •  osteoarthritis
                        the synovial membrane, surrounding ligaments,   •  general pain management
                        etc.                                            •  trigger point treatment.
                     •  Pain reduction: although LT can also reduce soft-
                        tissue and skin pain, its analgesic properties have   9.1 General treatment considerations
                        been studied more in the field of musculoskeletal
                        pain; the World Health Organization included LT   A major practical difference when treating wounds or
                        among the recognized therapies with proven effi-  skin vs. musculoskeletal conditions is that in the first
                        cacy for the relief of non-specific low back pain and   case we avoid contacting the surface of the patient,
                        osteoarthritic pain. [271, 272]                 while treating in contact is usually preferred in mus-
                     •  Improvement of functionality: this is a direct con-  culoskeletal problems. Actually, not just in contact but
                        sequence of the above effects, with a great impact on   with a variable degree of pressure. There are several
                        quality of life and sports performance.         reasons for this.

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