Page 121 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
P. 121

Pointing light at musculoskeletal and neurological conditions: clinical applications   107

                                                                     hips, and stifles treated, clipping is not likely to be an
                                                                     option, and although preferable, is not indispensable in
                                                                     most cases.

                                                                        The exceptions to treating in contact would be
                                                                     recent fractures or conditions with concurrent skin
                                                                     damage. If the animal is in pain when touched, contact

                                                                     can be avoided during the first sessions at least; to avoid
                                                                     losing power density (which can be significant for pain

                                                                     management and crucial to achieve significant penetra-
                                                                     tion) you will need a hand-piece with an adjustable spot
                                                                     size, or an extra hand-piece with a smaller tip, able to
                                                                     concentrate the beam from a distance.

                                                                                    9.1.1 Dose (J/cm )

                                                                     The range of appropriate doses or energy densities for
                                                                     most cases will be from 4 to 15 J/cm (Table 9.1), and as
                                                                     in the soft-tissue applications described in Chapter 7,
                                                                     this will vary according to the following factors.

                                                                     •  The depth of the condition: a calcaneus tendon is

                                                                        quite a superficial target, especially if we compare
                                                                        it with an iliopsoas or the caudal cervical muscles.
                                                                        Remember that most of the dose will be absorbed
                                                                        in the more superficial tissues, but a higher starting

                                                                        dose still means more energy will be left at a certain
                                                                     •  The chronicity of the process: chronic conditions

                   Figure 9.1 Treating in contact and with a degree of pressure   need about a 30–50% higher starting dose. So after
                   that is comfortable to the patient improves penetration of   an acute trauma to the hip area, the initial dose will
                   light. Remember to keep the hand-piece perpendicular to the   be about 5–6 J/cm , but a chronic osteoarthritis will
                   surface.                                             require around 8–10 J/cm  to begin with.
                                                                     •  The amount of inflammation present: managing

                   •  While applying pressure we decrease the distance   inflammation  may need a lower dose than treat-
                      from the probe to the depth of tissue.            ing pain. What is more important is that whatever
                   •  By mobilizing the vascular bed we push away blood,   dose you choose should not be delivered with a high
                      therefore it will absorb less energy and allow more   power density. [37]
                      photons to travel deeper, so we improve penetration.
                   •  If the tip of the probe is being held and surrounded   It makes sense to treat an area that is proximal to
                      by your hand (Fig. 9.1), contact also lets you know if   the injury, not just for the blood flow – although this

                      there are tender, fibrotic, or other abnormal areas,   will be improved if there is a lack of it – but for the
                      and gives real-time feedback about the surface   segmental analgesia. In painful conditions, especially
                      temperature.                                   in chronic ones, the nerve roots supplying that area
                                                                     may be sensitized. Consider the associated spinal seg-
                     The non-dominant hand can help separate the coat,   ments as extra treatment areas if necessary, especially

                   which will also improve penetration, although not as   in chronic and refractory pain. For instance, consider
                   much as the alternative of shaving/clipping the area. In   treating the lumbar area together with the knee area
                   practice, clipping is possible if only one or two areas   if a case with chronic osteoarthritis of the stifle is not

                   are affected; but if the patient needs to have the spine,   improving. These extra treatment areas need to have

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