Page 153 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
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Pointing light at musculoskeletal and neurological conditions: clinical applications   139

                       •  Exercise program:
                          •  Assisted exercises: standing and weight-shifting using different surfaces, bicycling movement.
                          •  Hydrotherapy: started after the first month, with underwater treadmill and swimming pool twice a
                             week, then once a week, once every 2 weeks, and later just once a month.
                          •  Manual intervention: gentle massage of hindlimb and forelimb musculature. Passive ROM of all joints
                             of the pelvic limbs with bicycling movements.
                       •  Home exercise program: all techniques were initially performed with the owners in the clinic to ensure
                          proper delivery.
                          •  Passive exercises: gentle massage of hindlimb muscles two to three times/day, plus footpad
                             friction massage and phalangeal stimulation. Passive ROM of all joints of pelvic limbs with bicycling
                          •  Active exercises: assisted standing and weight-shifting on stable surfaces, then on a moderately
                             unstable surface and on a bi-directional balance board. Slow supported leash walking was added after
                             the first week, initially for 3–4 min, three times a day, then gradually increasing duration.
                          •  Other exercises were later performed as well, such as turning exercises during walking and sit-to-
                             stand exercises; the schedule was adapted to the progress of the patient each week.
                          •  NMES: biphasic, symmetric, and rectangular pulsed wave; 40 Hz, to stimulate hindlimb muscles
                             (hamstrings and femoral quadriceps).
                          •  TENS: local treatment for 20 min, 5 Hz. The electrodes were positioned bilateral to the spine
                       •  Owner education: exercise restriction, soft bedding to prevent ulcers. Bladder expression. Brief (later
                          increased) assisted walking with a supporting harness and sling.
                    •  Outcome:
                       •  On day 12, she was able to stand up by herself and had pain perception down to L5.
                       •  On day 15, she was able to take a few steps and recovered some urinary and fecal continence.
                       •  After 6 weeks, she recovered deep pain in the right hindlimb, and in the left limb after 10 weeks.
                       •  She was gradually able to take longer walks, up to 40 min by the fourth month.
                       •  She recovered continence by the sixth month.

                       Figure C16.1 Patient, case no. 16.  Figure C16.2 Electro-acupuncture session.  Figure C16.3 Ground exercises on
                                                                                              different surfaces.

                                                                                Spot                         No.
                        Area       P  (W)      Tx time     J/cm 2   Total J/Tx  (cm )  W/cm 2    Tx/week      Tx
                      First week     6          1.5 min      8        400        6       1       4-3-2-1      25
                        Later        8          3 min        10       1200       5      1.6

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