Page 154 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
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140                            Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice

                                                               Case no. 17

                       T., canine, 4 years old, Portuguese Hound, FS, 20 kg
                       •  Complaint: swelling of surgical sites.
                       •  History:
                          •  T. had been hit by a bus a month before. As a consequence, she had an abdominal traumatic hernia
                             (bladder and intestine), left hip fracture, and right sacroiliac luxation (Fig. C17.1a, b).
                          •  48 h later she underwent hernia repair with a polypropylene mesh and fracture fixation with a dynamic
                             compression plate and six screws (Fig. C17.2).
                          •  A week after surgery she was readmitted due to a large fluid collection and exudate from the hip wound,
                             hindlimb edema, and pain.
                          •  She was put on ciprofloxacin, metronidazole, and cephalexin, but 2 weeks later she developed an infection
                             and dehiscence in the abdominal wound and the hip area was inflamed.
                          •  She had lost 10 kg (about 30% of body weight) in a month. Blood culture was negative.
                       •  Physical examination:
                          •  There was a 12 cm long dehiscence in the abdominal wound, which was inflamed. The subcutaneous
                             tissue around it was severely inflamed (Fig. C17.3a).
                          •  The left gluteal area was moderately inflamed, although there was no open wound or discharge (Fig.
                       •  Diagnosis: surgical site inflammation, chronic wound with dehiscence.
                       •  Treatment:
                          •  Wound management: regular antiseptic lavage.
                          •  Laser therapy:
                             •  Treatment of the abdominal wound included a 5 cm margin around it, with a total area of 175–200
                               cm . Dose was 4 J/cm  for the first two treatments, and then increased to 10 J/cm . There was a fast
                               clinical improvement (Figs C17.4a, C17.5a, C17.6a, C17.7a, C17.8a) and a week later the inflammation
                               was so decreased (Fig. C17.5a) that stretch marks were evident.
                             •  The gluteal/hip area covered 200 cm  and was treated with higher power (5 W) and power density (1
                               W/cm ). Note how the area shows a concavity after five treatments (Fig.17.6b), even though it does
                               not seem very inflamed in the initial pictures. Since the treatment was focused around the incision
                               line, the hair grew faster here (Figs C17.6b, C17.7b, C17.8b).
                          •  Others: carprofen, tramadol, ciprofloxacin, metronidazole, and cephalexin were used for a week into the
                             laser treatment, and then discontinued.
                       •  Outcome: complete resolution of the inflammation. The patient was able to jump on the bed (not advised) a
                         week after starting LT. No recurrence of inflammation or wound discharge.

                          Figure C17.1 X-rays of the hip fracture. (a) Ventrodorsal and (b) lateral views.  Figure C17.2 Hip after surgery, lateral view.

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