Page 149 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
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Pointing light at musculoskeletal and neurological conditions: clinical applications   135

                          •  Thermotherapy: local heat over elbows and thoracolumbar area.
                          •  Passive exercises: joint mobilization, especially phalangeal extension of the four limbs, elbow
                             extension, and knee flexion. Assisted standing. Soon joint manipulation was not tolerated at home and
                             had to be discontinued.
                          •  Active exercises: stimulating neck flexion to both sides, encouraging some walking over soft surfaces,
                             using surfaces with some height difference. Stimulating movement with food.
                          •  NMES: biphasic pulsed wave; 50 Hz, to stimulate hamstrings, quadriceps, triceps brachialis.
                       •  Owner education: adapt the house so F. can use other places rather than just the sofa. Cover the floor
                          with carpet or soft padding. Find a suitable cat scratcher to stimulate his desire to play and move, and a
                          small sandbox he can enter without help. Avoid falls from sofa.
                    •  Outcome:
                       •  Pain level was 4/10 after 1 week and 2/10 after 2 weeks. After the second week, F. was able to raise his
                          head to look into your eyes and take a couple of steps.
                       •  During the next month he became more active and started to use the sandbox. On week 6, his elbow
                          ROM had improved to 85°.
                       •  By the second month he was able to take small jumps, became more active, and engaged in playing. By
                          the fourth month he was able to jump up onto and down from the sofa. Overall, he became more active,
                          with less pain and more independence in his daily activities, which had a great impact in his quality of life.

                           Figure C14.1 Patient unable to stand up.  Figure C14.2 Patient unable to extend   Figure C14.3 Laser therapy
                                                                          the neck.             over the thoracic spinal

                          Figure C14.4 Treatment with TENS.

                                                           Figures C14.5 (a–d) Patient now able to take some steps and jump into his carrier.
                                                                                 Spot                         No.
                        Area       P  (W)       Tx time      J/cm 2  Total J/Tx  (cm )  W/cm 2   Tx/week      Tx
                        Neck         5           2 min        8        600        5       1
                                                                                                 1/week × 8
                       TL spine      5           2 min        10       600        5       1    weeks, then 1/  12
                        Elbows       3          1.5 min       6         300       5      0.6
                    Note: TL, thoracolumbar.

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