Page 161 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
P. 161

Pointing light at musculoskeletal and neurological conditions: clinical applications   147

                                                            Case no. 21

                    N., canine, 4 years old, Boxer, MC, 36 kg

                    • Complaint: lameness and inflammation of the stifle.
                    • History:
                       •  N. underwent TTA surgery for partial left CCLR a week ago. Before surgery, his lameness was minimal. He
                          has been on cephalexin since then.
                       •  Everything seemed to be going well until yesterday, when he started to be very lame in the same limb, so
                          he came for a second opinion. No trauma after surgery.
                       •  Tramadol does not seem to be helping and owners want to avoid NSAIDs because he has chronic
                          leishmaniasis and IRIS stage I renal disease.
                    •  Physical examination: 4–5/5 left hindlimb lameness (Fig. C21.1a, b). Pain score 7/10. Severe inflammation of

                       the stifle, with marked edema and tumefaction. Inflammation of the surgical incision (Fig. C21.1c).

                    • Diagnosis: surgical site inflammation.

                    • Treatment:
                       •  Laser therapy:
                          •  To treat the incision site plus its margin (total 50 cm ), a low power density was used (0.2 W/
                             cm ), while slightly higher values can be reached around the rest of the joint. Power was kept low to

                             moderate due to the severe inflammation.
                          •  The patient was treated on 2 consecutive days, then twice more at 48 h intervals, and once more
                             another 72 h later.

                    • Outcome: in 9 days and with LT as the sole treatment, the inflammation was resolved (Fig. 21.2); lameness
                       score was reduced to 1/5 and pain score to 1/10.

                        Figure C21.1 (a, b) Severe left hindlimb lameness and (c) severe   Figure C21.2 (a) Stifle and (b) patient walking 9 days

                              inflammation of the stifle a week after surgery.               later.

                                                                                 Spot                        No.
                        Area       P  (W)       Tx time     J/cm 2   Total J/Tx  (cm )  W/cm 2    Tx/week    Tx
                      Wound (50      1.6     125 s (2.1 min)  4        200        8       0.2       4-2       6
                        cm )
                      Stifl e/prox.
                       tibia (150    4       262 s (4.4 min)  7        1050       5       0.8       4-2       6
                        cm )

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