Page 165 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
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Pointing light at musculoskeletal and neurological conditions: clinical applications   151

                       •  Owners insisted he perform at championship after 2 weeks despite contraindication, which worsened
                          pain. After another 2 weeks of rest and therapy, M. seemed back to normal and showed no lameness or
                          pain, although it was still recommended that he avoid intense explosive exercise for the moment and wait
                          for the next season to compete.

                    Figure C23.1 Decreased weight-bearing on   Figure C23.2 Patient M. during laser   Figure C23.3 Improved weight-bearing.
                              right hindlimb.                   treatment.

                                                                                  Spot                       No.
                         Area        P  (W)       Tx time     J/cm 2  Total J/Tx  (cm )   W/cm 2   Tx/week   Tx
                          Hip          10         3.3 min      10       2000                2
                      Gastrocnemius    6          1.7 min      8         600       5       1.3       3-2      11
                         Tarsus        6          1.3 min      6         480               1.2

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