Page 32 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
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18                             Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice

                      (a)                                                (b)

                     Figure 3.4 A similar situation to Figure 3.3 treated using the same parameters. (a) Wound inflammation and dehiscence 10 days
                     after adenoma surgery. (b) Just one treatment was enough to reverse the situation. This picture was taken 72 h later.

                     also with in vivo experimental models of, for example,   increases this response. [49–52]  But an excessive amount
                     chronic  nerve  compression, [39]   myocardial  infarc-  of ROS production is damaging  to the organs, even
                     tion, [40]   acute  joint  inflammation, [41]   acute  muscle   fatal, as seen in septic shock and systemic inflammatory
                     injury, [42]  wound healing, [43]  asthma and pleurisy [44, 45] ,   response syndrome (SIRS).
                     among  others.  The  deleterious  and  distant  effects  of   With NO, regulation is also complicated and still
                     these  mediators,  such  as  smooth  airway  muscle  dys-  raises some questions:  NO is central to cardiovascu-
                     function, [46]  can also be decreased with LT.     lar homeostasis, neurotransmission, and the immune
                        When the inflammatory cascade begins, the body   response, but its oxidized metabolites are toxic and
                     also releases  anti-inflammatory cytokines, such as   contribute to inflammation and oncogenesis. NO was
                     IL-4 and IL-10, which inhibit the production of pro-in-  named “molecule of the year” in 1992 by the journal
                     flammatory cytokines by macrophages and induce     Science, and more and more roles are still being discov-
                     lymphocyte apoptosis, and TGF-β, which inhibits lym-  ered and investigated, for example in insulin-resistance
                     phoid cell proliferation but promotes multiplication   and neurodegenerative diseases. NO can also react with
                     of fibroblasts, osteoblasts, and smooth muscle cells.   O  to form reactive nitrogen species (RNS), which are
                     Other anti-inflammatory mechanisms include cytokine   produced by macrophages as part of the non-specific
                     inhibitors, such as IL-1RA, which block the cascade, or   antimicrobial cytotoxic response, but these can turn
                     at least attenuate the intensity or duration of the phe-  into nitrates, nitrites, and eventually, carcinogenic
                     nomena. Infrared light may also contribute to this shift   nitrosamines. So the effect of NO at any given moment
                     from inflammation to repair, increasing the expression   may vary in a sort of a bimodal way, depending on the
                     of anti-inflammatory cytokines in asthma models, [45]    amount and source, among other things. It sounds a bit
                     tendinitis, [47]  wound healing, [48]  and arthritis models. [41]  crazy, but that is one of the wonders of how a living
                                                                        organism works.
                             3.1.5 Molecule of the year and more          NO is synthesized by nitric oxide synthase (NOS).
                                                                        NOS can be isolated in almost any tissue, but the neu-
                     A final, heterogeneous group includes other molecules,   ronal (nNOS) and endothelial (eNOS) isoforms are
                     like reactive oxygen species (ROS), nitric oxide (NO),   expressed  constitutively,  while  the  inducible  (iNOS)
                     and carbon monoxide (CO). These are some of the    isoform is expressed by cells like leukocytes in response
                     most intricately regulated molecules. For instance, an   to bacterial lipopolysaccharides or pro-inflammatory
                     increase in ROS production can help neutrophils fight   cytokines.  The  cardiovascular  effects  of NO  include
                     microbes better (actually, the respiratory burst they   endothelium-dependent vascular relaxation and inhi-
                     experience is oxygen-dependent; they need about 50   bition of platelet aggregation, among others. The
                     times  more  oxygen  in  those  circumstances!),  and  LT   isoform iNOS can generate large amounts of NO for

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