Page 27 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
P. 27

Blood and light                                    13

                     The exact same thing works in the opposite direction.
                   To see how this works in the tissues, where hemoglobin   air, oxygen from the air gets absorbed into the
                   has all four oxygen molecules bound, look again at the   blood, and that blood travels through the vessels
                   unique shape of the hemoglobin dissociation curve   to a certain area. At this point, some of the blood
                   (Fig. 2.1). Fully oxygenated blood is on the top right of   releases its oxygen to the tissue. Oxygen then
                   this curve (near 100% O  saturation). As you lose one   make its way from the outside to the inside of the
                   oxygen molecule (equivalent to 25% of a single hemo-  cells and migrates to the mitochondria, where it
                   globin molecule’s capacity), you move left and down on   is used as an electron acceptor in the respiratory
                   the curve toward 75% saturation. At that point, you can   chain of enzymes whose final product is adenosine
                   see that the curve is a much more slippery slope, and   triphosphate (ATP), the chemical currency
                   so the release of oxygen molecules two, three, and four   the cells use to store and spend energy in their
                   (equivalent to moving to 50%, 25%, and 0% saturation)   physiological reactions. Laser therapy can enhance
                   happens much more quickly.                          this process in three ways.
                     Why, you ask? Well this is chemistry, remember, and
                   chemistry is all about the shape of molecules. When   •  Enhancement #1: light therapy can increase
                   one of hemoglobin’s claws binds to an oxygen molecule   the local circulation, either by causing mini
                   (or releases it), the shape of the rest of the molecule   pressure gradients along the path, or promoting
                   changes in such a way that oxygen is more likely to be   vasodilation via localized NO release (wherever
                   caught (or released) by the other claws. But what did   the light is absorbed).
                   we just finish discussing in Chapter 1 about how light   •  Enhancement #2: light therapy can trigger
                   interacts with these complexes? Light absorption in   hemoglobin dissociation, and therefore more
                   the iron core (heme group) of hemoglobin will cause a   efficient release of oxygen from the blood to the
                   short-lived, tiny temperature change in the molecule.   affected tissue.
                   But that’s all it takes. Not only does it take just a tiny   •  Enhancement #3: light therapy can stimulate the
                   bit of heat for a short time to trigger one of these claws   mitochondria in the cells to make better use of
                   to  change  form  slightly,  but  if  you  do  that  just  once   oxygen, producing more ATP and causing (either
                   (and force the first of the claws to release its oxygen),   directly or indirectly) an increase of NO in the
                   a cascade of oxygen release will follow. This is a four-  extracellular environment.
                   for-one efficient process that can be triggered by just a
                   little bit of light.                                The intervention of light does not fundamentally
                                                                       change the natural process. Instead it enhances
                                                                       the process at several steps along the way and in
                    Summary from a                                     a variety of different ways. All roads lead to more
                    different perspective                              chemical energy for the cells, given the same input
                                                                       of oxygen through the nose.
                    A quick summary is necessary here before we start    Now you’ll read about all the wonderful
                    talking about the wider effects of laser. The goal of   secondary and tertiary effects that come when
                    laser therapy is to enhance the natural processes   the cells of the body have a heightened ability to
                    of the body and its cells. When we breathe in      function.

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