Page 22 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
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8                              Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice

                     absorption process to occur. We can see the results,   hydrogen ions (protons) outside the mitochondria than
                     though,  and  all  of  what  I’ve  mentioned  here  is  very   there are on the inside, this complex likes to produce
                     demonstrable.                                      ATP. Within this chain there are several processes
                        Pressure waves in light-exposed water are very real   that move electrons along and pump protons up and

                     and they change many properties of water including   out of the mitochondria. The last and most powerful
                     viscosity, pH, translucency, and permeability. Volumes   of these pumps happens inside the cytochrome oxidase
                     have been written on the subject. [9–12]  Supra-natural   complex. It involves an oxygen molecule (O ) combin-
                     oxygenation of blood has been shown to be induced   ing with four electrons and eight internal protons to
                     by light incident on hemoglobin. [13–15]  We’ll get into   create two water molecules (H O) and pumping four
                     more of that when we talk about light in the blood. But   protons out.
                     I want to spend some time on what happens in the cells   So next time your kid (or grandkid) asks you why you

                     so we can better understand what the rest of this book   need oxygen, you tell them it is the final electron accep-
                     is about.                                          tor in the electron transport system. Mr. Solomon, my
                                                                        ninth grade biology teacher, told me I’d use that once
                           1.5 Light’s targets within the cell          more in my life. Shout out!
                     In the mitochondria, where ATP (the cell’s energy cur-           1.5.1 Cytochrome C
                     rency) is produced, and where a lot of the incident light
                     is absorbed, some very productive things can be done   This is the last “push” needed to turn the ATP synthase

                     with light.                                        engine and produce a molecule of ATP. The mobile
                        First, some quick-and-dirty on how cells metabolize.   carrier that delivers the electrons to cytochrome oxi-
                     Insert a full volume of textbooks on cellular biology.   dase is called cytochrome c, and so when they meet and
                     When you’ve spent years reading all of those, one of the   cytochrome c delivers its electrons, it is called (again,

                     only things you’ll remember is a fundamental process   quite fittingly) cytochrome c oxidase. But it only deliv-
                     called the electron transport chain (Fig. 1.2), which   ers electrons one at a time, and the oxygen molecule
                     ends up with the production of ATP. On the mem-    needs four of them for cytochrome oxidase to do its
                     brane of a cell’s mitochondria lives a complex that syn-  thing. So it has to go back and forth four times for each
                     thesizes ATP, quite conveniently called ATP synthase.   ATP molecule.

                     The fuel for this complex is a cross-membrane proton   Enter, the light. Here is one of the most significant

                     potential. All this means is that when there are more   findings of laser research – ever – first discovered by
                                                                        Tiina Karu: “[laser irradiation] causes either a (tran-
                                                                        sient) relative reduction of … cytochrome c oxidase,
                               Mitochondrial intermembrane space        or its (transient) relative oxidation, depending on the
                                                                        initial redox status.” [16]  In English? This means that

                             H +         H +          H +     H +       if cytochrome c is in possession of an electron it is
                                Ubiquinone  Cytochrome C                more likely to oxidate, i.e. give up its electron (thereby
                                                                        increasing its oxidation state) to cytochrome oxidase.
                                                                        And as if that wasn’t cool enough, the converse is
                                                                        also true, that if cytochrome c is not in possession of
                                                                        an electron, it is more likely to reduce, i.e. accept an
                       NADH  NAD +        2H + 1/2 O  H O               electron (thereby reducing its oxidation state) from its
                                                   2  2     H +
                                                     ADP + P   ATP      predecessor complex when it absorbs light.
                                                            1 1

                          NADH       Cytochrome  Cytochrome  ATP          This is the double whammy. Cytochrome needs to
                         reductase    reductase   oxydase   synthase    do both things in its natural process, called a “redox”
                     Figure 1.2 The electron transport chain. Once oxygen gets to   cycle (see how they did that with the name: reduction
                     the cell and migrates to the mitochondria, these membrane-  plus oxidation equals redox). And light helps both, in
                     based complexes act on it until ATP is produced by ATP   whichever way the cell needs it to at that moment to

                     synthase.                                          produce more ATP. This can happen on very very short
                     Illustrator: Elaine Leggett.                       timescales, and so the more light incident on a cell in

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