Page 23 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
P. 23

Light is just the catalyst                             9

                   a given time period (say, as the hand-piece is being   Wow. That’s three ways  light  inside  the cell  helps
                   moved over the treatment area), the more ATP can be   the cells function better. It enhances the redox cycle
                   produced in cells. This phenomenon is what people call   of cytochrome oxidase, which produces more ATP
                   photobiomodulation, the increase in natural cellular   for cells to utilize in their natural functions. It helps
                   function via the use of light.                    produce  NO  within  the  cell,  which  facilitates  cell
                                                                     signaling. And at the same time it forces the cells to
                       1.5.2 Nitric oxide: a not-so-secondary effect  use O  more efficiently, for things the body needs O 2
                                                                     for  (respiration),  and  makes  available  more  NO  for
                   There is slightly more to the story inside the cell. Nitric   things the cells need NO for (cell signaling). Pretty
                   oxide (NO) plays a very important role in cell signaling,   cool.
                   both within the cell and between cells. An abundance   So this is how light can enhance the usage of oxygen
                   of NO leads mostly to positive cellular function. There   once it gets into the cell. But that is only the tail end
                   is, of course, a ceiling to this effect, where too much   of the circuit. This is akin to squeezing really hard on
                   NO leads to nitrosative stress, but studies on several   the nozzle of your garden hose in the hope of hosing
                   different cell lines show that light therapy enhances the   down your burning trashcan without first opening the
                   production of NO, and within levels that lead to pre-  spigot past a slow drip. Without a plentiful  supply
                   dominantly positive results. [17]  This is the “causal” effect   of oxygen, the heightened efficiency of the cell will
                   that  has  been  well  documented:  laser  promotes  the   have little effect on the clinical outcome. There must
                   production of NO by somehow enhancing the conver-  be some way to increase local oxygenation with laser
                   sion of nitrosyls (molecules containing the NO+ ion) to   therapy …
                   NO. [17, 18]  But there is also a “resultant” theory. (NOTE:
                   you can read more about NO in Chapter 3.)
                     N-O and O-O look very similar at the molecular
                   level; the N is only slightly smaller than the O, and so   Summary from a
                   the molecules tend to bind to similar things. This can be   different perspective
                   very bad, in the same way that C-O (carbon monoxide)
                   binds to similar things as O-O, which will cause the cells   Light can have a therapeutic effect if it penetrates
                   to suffocate. If NO binds to things in the cells that need   the skin and gets absorbed by certain molecules.
                   to (and normally do) bind to O , cells are inhibited. But   For light to penetrate the skin, wavelength is the
                   the fact that light therapy increases the amount of NO   first limiting factor. The therapeutic window is
                   available for the cell (all things being equal), means that   around 700–1000 nm. Melanin acts as a barrier
                   it is making better use of the O , which is a VERY good   by absorbing light in the visible to 750 nm range,
                   thing for the body.                                 but is more transparent to longer wavelengths.
                     Remember that the cell needs O  as the final elec-  Light is absorbed by molecules such as H O,
                   tron capture agent in the respiratory cycle. Well, NO   melanin, hemoglobin, and cytochrome c oxidase.
                   competes  with  O   for  this  last  electron  capture.  But   The right type and amount of light can have
                   again, amounts of extracellular NO have been shown   the effect of increasing temperature, metabolic
                   to increase with laser, which means O  is being better   efficiency, and O  delivery.
                   utilized in more efficient ATP production.                        2

                    While this is true, certain clinical situations can be
                               particularly susceptible to NO
                               production. For instance, ischemia –
                               reperfusion injury. In a model in which
                               blood flow from the cranial mesenteric
                    artery was occluded for an hour, LT increased tissue
                    damage, at least in the first few hours. [19]

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