Page 25 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
P. 25

Blood and light                                    11

                   ice pack, and spatial being hot here and cold there, right
                   next to it. Both of these effects are present in the act of   While this is not usually necessary in practice, you
                   laser therapy.                                                really want to use it in cases of severe
                     As we’ve discussed, a beam of light is made up of lots      edema. Consider the lymphosomes or
                   and lots of tiny photons that are absorbed at various rates   lymphatic territories involved. [20]  For
                   at various depths within the tissue. Microscopically,         instance, if you have severe edema in a
                   that means a lot of “hots” and “colds” throughout the   tarsus, treat the inguinal and popliteal areas first.
                   tissue, which force blood through different pathways.
                   And though we talk about arteries, veins, and capillar-
                   ies as little tubes, the majority of the blood flow in the      2.3 Push vs. pull
                   body is more akin to “seepage” through bulk tissue. This
                   kind of fluid motion is even more susceptible to slight   I use the word “push” for effect, but in fact this is only
                   pressure differences, without the fixed boundaries that   part of the truth (the lesser part). Once blood leaves the
                   restrict blood flow in the vessels.               arteries and enters the capillaries, there are a combi-
                     And temporally, you are consistently moving the   nation of forces (beyond systolic blood pressure) that
                   path of light throughout a therapy session. In contrast   govern how well it perfuses into the tissue. Some of the
                   to the slow results obtained using conduction, as seen   forces push blood out of the capillaries: arterial pres-
                   with the ice pack, the energy of light is converted into   sure pushes outward and tissue oncotic pressure pulls
                   heat in the tissue almost instantly. So you are con-  blood into the tissues. Opposing these are forces keep-
                   tinually producing lots of tiny “hots,” whose heat very   ing the blood in the capillaries: capillary oncotic pres-
                   quickly dissipates on a microscopic scale. Moving the   sure is holding the water inside while venal pressure is
                   beam away from a site, however quickly, will cause a   pulling the blood through the capillaries back toward
                   hot–cold pressure wave that gently guides blood to,   the heart. These forces are in virtual equilibrium and so
                   through, and from the area.                       the perfusion rate of blood is relatively constant over
                     This principle is demonstrated by an old anecdote   time, even though it is highly skewed depending how
                   from the early days of laser use in podiatry. Physicians   far along a capillary you are: the closer to the artery, the
                   were attempting to use laser to treat gout, which is basi-  greater the blood perfusion; the closer to the vein, the
                   cally an overabundance of uric acid in the foot. They   less perfusion, since most of the blood is being sucked
                   began by simply treating the foot, but their patients   back to the heart.
                   complained of even more intense pain after treatment.   This is fairly intuitive, but what may not be is the fact
                   Some doctors were discouraged; others were curious, as   that venal pressure plays a much bigger role in capillary
                   was I. Before long, we explored the actual mechanisms   pressure than does arterial pressure: five times bigger,
                   of treatment and realized that in order for laser to even   in fact. [21]  This means that even a fractional change in
                   have a chance of helping these patients, it would have   venal pressure can result in a significant change in the
                   to get the uric acid out of the foot and back through the   blood perfusion along a capillary. It is important to keep
                   lymphatic system to be excreted out of the body. Well,   this in mind as you deliver therapy: it is more impact-
                   you wouldn’t be able to do that by just treating the foot.   ful to “pull” blood away from the area (or at least clear
                   You’d first have to open up some pathways for the uric   the way downstream) than it is to try to push blood
                   acid to leave. So we began treating down the back of the   through it.
                   knee during the first stages of therapy, then focusing
                   on the foot, then finishing back up the leg, and voilà,   2.4 Vasodilation: nitric oxide rearing
                   no more pain. We first opened the lymphatic pathways,             its head again
                   then pushed (against gravity) all that waste-filled blood
                   back to the center of the body, where there was a much   We discussed earlier how light helps to produce nitric
                   greater blood flow and where it could be scrubbed by   oxide (NO): by directly enhancing the nitrosyl reduc-
                   the liver, kidneys, and lungs. Simply creating a series   tion process to produce more NO, and by indirectly
                   of temperature gradients along the path of the blood   forcing the cell to make better use of its O , which often
                   circulation lead to enough pressure differences to be   has to compete against NO for some local binding
                   clinically impactful.                             effect. In all cases, this means an increased abundance

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