Page 38 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
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24                             Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice

                        pressure threshold of treated animals, but had no   if doses are too high for an acute case, this could cause
                        effect in paw thermal threshold responses. [88]  On   discomfort, despite the anti-inflammatory or tissue
                        the other hand, reduction of cold hyperalgesia after   healing effect. The potential scenarios are very varied,
                        LT has also been described. [87]  LT also improves   and so are your patients and their level of tolerance for
                        nerve functionality and recovery in nerve entrap-  discomfort and manipulation, so you will have to make
                        ment neuropathy. [89]                           adjustments within this framework.
                     •  Promoting inhibitory mechanisms, such as sero-
                        tonin [28, 29]  and endogenous opioid production. LT   I’ll refer you back to the example in Chapter 2,
                        increases beta-endorphin production in periph-   section 2.2, of treating gout in humans, again to
                        eral inflammatory models, and this mechanism is   remind you of the importance of not just bringing
                        blocked by naloxone, an opioid antagonist. [86, 90, 91]  fresh blood to an area, but also creating a drainage
                                                                         path for the toxin-filled fluid. Now, don’t be silly and
                        The scientific community does not have the same             start treating the inguinal lymph node
                     degree of agreement about all these mechanisms; for            before treating an abdominal wound.
                     instance, there is a wide consensus on analgesia through       These are very localized effects. But
                     anti-inflammatory mechanisms, but some studies don’t           still, the point is that laser therapy is not
                     agree on the modification of nerve conduction velocity   a plug-and-chug modality where you have some
                     or opioid release, or they find these effects in a narrow   “right” parameter-set preprogrammed into the
                     therapeutic window. [35]  An increase in skin substance P   machine. Clinical improvement is also dependent on
                     after LT has also been described. [92]              the skill of the therapist (which you will have
                        Treatment of acute pain can even start before it   nurtured by reading this book).
                     happens, as in premedication for a surgical procedure.
                     In chronic pain, treatment should start as soon as pos-
                     sible,  both  for ethical  reasons  and because  this  will
                     decrease the likelihood of developing neuropathic pain.   4.2 Don’t forget pain assessment
                     Treatment should be multimodal and LT can poten-
                     tially help, in both acute and chronic pain manage-  If we are going to treat patients in pain with LT and
                     ment – it was already included in the WSAVA’s 2014   want to find out how effective our treatment is, we’d
                     Guidelines for recognition, assessment and treatment   better assess it. To treat pain, we must first diagnose it
                     of pain, [93]  both as one of the physical modalities used   and evaluate its intensity and progression. This evalu-
                     in rehabilitation and as a supplemental technique after   ation can be based on certain physiological param-
                     ovariohysterectomy/ovariectomy for both dogs and   eters (such as heart rate or blood pressure), changes in
                     cats.  Nevertheless,  these  recommendations  are  made
                     in the most part by transposing experimental results,
                     clinical experience, and human studies, and more clini-
                     cal studies should be carried out in small animals.
                        As a general rule, acute pain is treated with lower
                     doses  and  power  densities  than  chronic  pain  (Table
                     4.1). Pain related to superficial tissues is also treated
                     with lower doses than conditions affecting deeper
                     structures. For instance, an acute wound affecting skin
                     and subcutaneous tissue would need 2–5 J/cm , while
                     pain related to spondylosis may need 8–15 J/cm . In
                     the first case, power density would be around 0.1–1
                     W/cm , with lower values if the subcutaneous tissue or
                     muscle are exposed (Fig. 4.2). In the second case, we
                     could go up to 2–3 W/cm (Fig. 4.3). Remember LT can
                     cause vasodilation, and higher parameters are similar   Figure 4.2 A laparotomy incision being treated with LT,
                     to a stronger manual manipulation to some extent; so   using 2 J/cm .

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