Page 43 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
P. 43


                                                      Tissue healing

                     Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a      5.1 Wound healing
                     matter of opportunity.
                                                     — Hippocrates   You can check Figure 5.1 for a summary of the wound
                                                                     healing process and some of the individual mechanisms
                   The most studied and reported effect of laser therapy   that have been reported to be affected by LT. When the
                   (LT) is tissue healing; for almost every cell or tissue   endothelium is damaged and its collagen exposed, the
                   type you can think of, you will find related literature.   coagulation cascade begins. Every wound healing process
                   There are clinical studies, in vivo experiments, and also   starts with an attempt by the body to stop the bleeding.
                   in vitro experiments involving the particular cells that   Platelets adhere and aggregate to start with, and
                   play a significant role in healing and their molecular   later the fibrin net holds the clot in place. When plate-
                   mediators.                                        lets are activated, they open up their granules, releasing
                     The common script for healing involves some kind   (among other substances) the first factors that will start
                   of inflammatory response that triggers mechanisms   promoting cell multiplication and tissue growth. These
                   to  repair  the damage,  resulting  in tissue  that  ideally   growth factors are not exclusively produced by plate-
                   resembles  the  original  undamaged  tissue  as  much  as   lets, not even platelet-derived growth factor, but they
                   possible. Depending on the tissue type, the degree of   do release a necessary initial burst, which is the basis of
                   this resemblance is variable with regard to structure,   platelet-rich plasma therapy, a modality that is becom-
                   strength, and functionality. What LT achieves in tissue   ing very common.
                   healing is to speed up this process and improve the   A thorough explanation of their effects is beyond our
                   final product, but it will not make cells do things they   scope, but their names are quite explicit and there is
                   don’t usually do; it increases their efficacy by a process   evidence that LT enhances the expression of the fol-
                   similar to turning up the power of an engine and at the   lowing growth factors, their receptors and the second-
                   same time providing it with more fuel.            ary pathways they activate:

                    Worth mentioning before María dives into the different tissue types and their individual responses to laser therapy,
                    is the idea of enhancement of a process. What we mean to emphasize are two distinct, but related ways of
                               measuring progress.

                               •  For a given time, an increased level of healing vs. conventional therapy.
                               •  Getting to a given level of healing in less time vs. conventional therapy.

                    I think you intuitively know the difference, but keep these in mind as you read the rest of this chapter (and book).

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