Page 47 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
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Tissue healing                                     33

                   an experiment in which laser treatment was found to            5.3 Muscle healing
                   restore collagen fiber alignment in damaged tendons
                   to the point that no significant  difference was found   Three tissue types of muscle are recognized: skeletal,
                   between the groups with standard treatment and 5   cardiac, and smooth muscle. The response of these
                   days of laser application. [140]  Better collagen organi-  three to LT has been documented, with different aims
                   zation and functional recovery after LT has also been   and fields of application. While the main applications
                   described in other experimental studies. [141]  Animal   of LT in skeletal muscle are related to injury recovery
                   models also show that LT can improve remodeling of   and sports medicine, recovery of ischemic infarct is the
                   the extracellular matrix during the healing process in   focus when treating cardiac muscle.
                   tendons through simultaneous activation of matrix    The precursors for skeletal muscle cells are called sat-
                   metalloproteinase 2 (MMP-2) and stimulation of col-  ellite cells, which become activated and differentiated
                   lagen synthesis. [142, 143]  An increase in tenocyte migra-  when there is muscle damage. Laser can promote muscle
                   tion has also been described; the effect is mediated by a   repair by increasing the number of myofibers and sat-
                   protein called dynamin 2. [144]                   ellite cell survival, proliferation, and differentiation, as
                     But having said great things about the in vitro and   reported both in vitro and in vivo [146, 147]  and by having
                   experimental results with tendons and ligaments, there   anti-inflammatory and pro-angiogenic effects. [148]  It
                   really are few clinical studies. One of them evaluated   increases the biochemical activity of the muscle, which
                   the effect of LT on the recovery of digital flexor tendon   can be monitored with acetylcholine receptors, cyto-
                   injuries in humans and found a significant effect on   chrome c oxidase expression, and creatine kinase activity.
                   edema reduction but no effect on analgesia or hand-  [63, 149, 150]  Also, transplantation of myogenic cells is being
                   grip strength. [145]  Again, a different treatment protocol   studied as part of the treatment of injuries with extensive
                   might find different results, and more clinical trials   muscle tissue loss, and their survival and functionality
                   should be performed to validate – or not – the good   seems to improve after being treated with LT. [151]
                   results obtained in animal models. We still need to find   In cardiac muscle, LT has the potential to reduce
                   out the best way to get light into our bodies in the same   infarct size following induction of myocardial infarc-
                   way that we do in rats and rabbits!               tion  in  rats  and  dogs. [152]   When  mesenchymal  stem

                    In a recent double-blinded study on standardized core lesions surgically created in the superficial digital flexor
                    tendons of horses, some accelerated healing was noticed. Briefly, the recovery from this type of injury is broken
                    down into two phases: inflammatory and remodeling. These typically manifest themselves firstly with the lesion
                    getting bigger until about 5 weeks, then secondly turning a corner and starting to gradually decrease in size. In the
                    study, this exact behavior was confirmed for the control group, as it had been in previous studies using this same
                    surgical model, with the tipping point of transition from inflammatory to remodeling at week 5. For the laser group,
                    there were several interesting points.

                              •  The initial slope was significantly greater in the laser group. This means that the inflammatory
                              process was enhanced (by almost a factor of 2).
                              •  In fact, the tipping point was achieved on average about 2 weeks early in the laser group than in
                              the control group (again, statistically significant).
                    •  Once the remodeling phase began (2 weeks earlier than in controls), the rate of healing was significantly better
                       in the laser group than in the controls.
                    •  After that tipping point, the average lesion size in the laser group was lower than in the control group AT EVERY
                       measurement point EVEN THOUGH it was higher in the laser group at the tipping point.

                    This represents a supra-natural response rate within the natural structure of tendon healing, which falls very nicely
                    in line with the fundamental mechanisms of laser. Also worth noting is that this model is a condensed timetable for
                    the real-world analog (and purposefully so, with almost full healing in 13 weeks, while these injuries usually take
                    many more months to heal).

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