Page 48 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
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34                             Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice

                     cells derived from bone marrow and adipose tissue   measured how LT can modify the expression of osteo-
                     were stimulated by irradiation and implanted into the   genic genes during bone healing of tibial defects. Laser
                     experimentally  infarcted  rat  heart,  a  50%  decrease  in   was applied every other day and induced upregulation
                     cardiac  infarct  size  was  achieved. [153]   Laser  increased   of bone morphogenic proteins and ALP; histologically,
                     survival of those stem cells, and the result was increased   treated individuals showed enhanced new bone for-
                     angiogenesis and reduced fibrosis. These experimental   mation. [157]  Pulse frequency is important, and low fre-
                     findings have started to have some clinical application:   quency has consistently been reported to work better to
                     a clinical study in 58 patients (20 of whom made up the   enhance new bone formation. [158–161]
                     control group) showed that transthoracic LT decreased   Some conditions make it more difficult for patients
                     cardiac cellular damage and improved cardiac tissue   to form new bone, and LT has also been investigated in
                     healing markers following coronary artery bypass graft-  models of bisphosphonate treatment and osteoporosis.
                     ing operations for coronary vessel occlusion. [154]  Bisphosphonates are used in humans for the treatment
                        The effect of LT on the third type of muscle tissue,   of bone metastasis and other skeletal conditions. They
                     smooth muscle, has also been tested: it stimulates   have resorptive and anti-angiogenic effects in the bone,
                     smooth muscle cell proliferation and metabolism, [155]    and because of this some patients suffer a complication
                     which is relevant to arterial diseases, among others,   called  bisphosphonate-related  osteonecrosis  of the
                     including aneurysm, where there is depletion of    jaws (BRONJ). In vitro models show different cell lines
                     smooth muscle cells. This was later also proven in a rat   (including osteoblasts),  proliferate more under laser
                     model [75] : LT significantly decreases abdominal aortic   treatment, even when they are incubated with bisphos-
                     aneurysm progression.                              phonates. [162]  Primary osteoporosis is most commonly
                                                                        seen in elderly humans, but similar changes can be seen
                                   5.4 Bone healing                     in small animals due to lack of use, poor nutrition, and
                                                                        endocrine and renal imbalances. Models of osteoporo-
                     The first phases of bone healing after a fracture are   sis due to estrogen deprivation in ovariectomized rats
                     quite similar to what happens in other tissues; there is   show LT can enhance new bone formation, with and
                     hematoma formation and an inflammatory phase, with   without metal implants. [163, 164]
                     release of cytokines. Common growth factors such as
                     VEGF or PDGF, which as you know can be enhanced          5.5 Nerve healing and function
                     by LT, start playing their roles, but also a set of par-
                     ticular proteins called bone morphogenic proteins.   Animal models show peripheral nerves regenerate
                     New blood vessels are created, and a few days after the   faster after transection and anastomosis when the
                     fracture there is already an unstable net of early woven   animal receives LT. [165,  166]  Laser also enhances auto-
                     bone. Fracture repair usually involves a combination of   graft repair of peripheral nerves, and in models of nerve
                     intramembranous and endochondral ossification, with   crushing injury, LT improves regeneration and acceler-
                     progenitor cells differentiating into chondroblasts and   ates functional recovery. [167–169]
                     osteoblasts.  The  fibrocartilaginous  callus  is  gradually   In spinal cord injury models, the length of axonal
                     (over a period of weeks) replaced by a more organ-  regrowth can double in animals treated with laser,
                     ized, calcified, and stable callus. This callus undergoes   and those animals also achieve a better functional
                     remodeling  in  the  next  few  months,  following  stress   recovery. [170]  The experimental effects of chronic nerve
                     forces, until its structure is similar to regular bone.  and ganglion compression can be alleviated with LT,
                        LT enhances osteogenesis:  in vitro and  in vivo   which increases levels of nerve growth factor, acceler-
                     studies report it increases osteoblast multiplication and   ates functional recovery, and decreases the associated
                     survival, as well as osteoblast metabolism. It induces   inflammation. [39,  89]  Even in hemisection at T9, LT
                     alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity and also osteopon-  applied transcutaneously to adult rats increased axonal
                     tin, a protein involved in the attachment of osteoclasts   number and distance of regrowth and significantly sup-
                     to the mineralized bone matrix, among others. [156]  pressed immune cell activation and cytokine/chemok-
                        The clinical consequence is improved calcification   ine expression. [171]  For this study, they were using 0.53
                     and fracture recovery. For instance, an experimental   W/cm  and about 450 J concentrated over a point at
                     study in rats using polymerase chain reaction (PCR)   the hemisection site, irradiating for about 50 min/day

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