Page 53 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
P. 53

Tissue healing                                     39

                   species, both in terms of dose, frequency, power density,
                   etc., but also in terms of how often we irradiate. If you   Summary from a
                   do some research, you can also find experiments with   different perspective
                   blue light, which seems to be more antibacterial, with
                   light and photosensitizing agents, and with low-inten-  The take-home message is: use laser in your
                   sity visible light, which has been reported to increase   infected wounds, and also in the rest, of course.
                   the growth of some species. [193]                   You will improve the clinical response and will
                     Check Tables 5.1 and 5.2 for a summary of what has   probably end up using less antibiotics, which
                   been published regarding this direct antibacterial effect   is always good news in terms of patient health
                   of infrared and red light, both in vitro and in vivo. In   and global resistance matters. Antibiotics
                   practice, an infected wound would be treated using   are not always free from side effects, and the
                   around 1–4 J/cm  as a starting dose. Always consider   growth in antibiotic-resistant bacteria makes the
                   bacterial culture for complicated, chronic, or infected   development of new strategies to combat infection
                   wounds. If what you are treating is septic arthritis, be   a must.
                   aware of how painful that is; you will have to use a lower
                   power density than if you are treating osteoarthritis.

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