Page 58 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
P. 58

44                             Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice

                                                                        we would lose count for a single photon very quickly,
                                                                        not to mention the billion billion photons delivered
                                                 Transmission           every second. Instead, we talk about probabilities and
                                                                        the average distances traveled, with terms like attenua-
                                                                        tion coefficients and mean free paths.

                                                                          6.3 How much and in which direction?
                                               Absorption               I know I promised to spill the beans and give you an
                                                                        answer, but not quite yet. There are two very distinct
                                                                        and  equally  important  concepts  here: amplitude  and
                                                                        direction. So you are not allowed to jump to any con-
                                                                        clusions before I explain both.
                                                                          For amplitude, I have to talk a VERY little about math
                                                      Scatter           and the idea of exponential decay. I won’t bore you with
                                                                        the differential equations that govern light transport,
                     Figure 6.1 The four basic interactions of light.
                                                                        but the amount of light that remains unattenuated (i.e.
                                                                        not absorbed or scattered) from a beam over distance is
                        We talked about absorption earlier. This is the way   an exponentially decaying proportion that looks some-
                     light “disappears” from the beam. Its energy gets trans-  thing like I(x) = I0 e - x, where I is intensity at distance
                     ferred to the tissues and therefore, there is no more   x, and I0 is the starting intensity (at distance 0), e is the
                     light. And this is the fate of virtually ALL of the light   natural logarithm, and μ is the attenuation coefficient.
                     that  enters  the  patient.  That  said,  absorption  is  BY   OK, that’s all the math you need. In English, this says
                     FAR the weaker of the interactions of laser light in   that intensity will decrease by 36.8% for every section
                     your patients. The much more dominant interaction is   of distance equal to 1/μ. This distance (1/μ) is called the
                     scatter (Fig. 6.1).                                mean free path, which is basically the average distance
                                                                        between attenuating interactions.
                         6.2 Scatter: the primary interaction             NOTE: Notice I’ve used only percentages here in
                                                                        my description. This is exactly how these values are
                     Scatter is when light bounces off small particles within   defined, as the ratio of the quantity you are left with
                     the tissue, changing the course of individual photons   over the quantity you started with. Flexibility like this is
                     along its long and windy path to ultimate absorption.   very useful to understand how we SHOULD be talking
                     In the wavelength ranges relevant to therapy and given   about penetration.
                     the body as the incident material, the type of scatter   Now, as we’ve covered, attenuation is a combination
                     that occurs is termed “elastic,” which means the light   of absorption and scattering, so the attenuation coef-
                     retains all of its energy as it bounces around. This is   ficient μ is made up of two components, the absorp-
                     an important concept that merits being repeated in   tion coefficient μ  and the scattering coefficient μ . The
                     slightly different terms: light does not lose pieces of   inverse of these numbers is then the mean free path (or
                     its energy along its path, so there is no slowing down   the average distance) between absorption and scatter-
                     during the pinball game. It remains in full effect until   ing events, respectively.
                     it  gets  absorbed,  and  when  it  does,  it  is  completely   Remember how I said that scatter dominates over
                     absorbed – all the energy gone. So the only thing that   absorption when infrared light enters the body? Well,
                     changes is the direction of the photon as it gets pinged   Table 6.1 shows exactly that. You can see that the
                     around the body.                                   average 800 nm photon scatters once about every mil-
                        To give some scope to the relative difference between   limeter in soft tissue, but is only absorbed about once
                     these interactions, a single photon is likely to bounce   every 33 centimeters.
                     around almost a THOUSAND times before it gets        This is awesome. Laser therapy penetrates SO far
                     absorbed. Now granted, we don’t talk about scatter (or   into tissue. WRONG. Those equations hold for inter-
                     absorption) in terms of the paths of individual photons;   actions ALONG THE PATH of a photon. And so yes,

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