Page 63 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
P. 63

Light’s path to all these places in the body                49

                   limitations in extrapolating these results to conclusions   time is virtually always measured in seconds, and so the
                   on the effects in bulk tissue, as well as some fundamental   units of power are watts (1 watt = 1 joule per second).
                   shortcomings in the breadth of their investigations.  This is important to stress: a higher-power laser beam is
                     The first is the fact that the amount of light incident   simply producing more of the same light than a lower-
                   on a monolayer of cells in a Petri dish is quite different   powered laser (when all else is equal). Maybe it is better
                   than the amount of light that penetrates the skin/fur,   to  say  that  a  higher  power  setting  on  the  same  laser
                   through some fat and soft tissue, to an affected bone,   produces more of the same light as its lower power
                   for example. What you CAN take from an  in vitro   setting. But each photon still packs the same punch;
                   study on bone cell repair initiated by laser therapy is   remember that energy per photon is determined by its
                   the amount  of light it takes  to stimulate  those cells.   wavelength.
                   From there you need the rest of this discussion to better
                   understand what proportion of the light you start with   So the difference is about how many photons are
                   at the surface actually gets to the bone, then work your      delivered by each laser in a given time.
                   way backward to understand how much you need to               Or from a time perspective, how long it
                   start with in the first place.                                will take with each differently powered
                     The second point of hesitation is the range of doses        laser to deliver a given amount of energy.
                   used and the a priori assumption that there is only one
                   peak in the biostimulatory spectrum (i.e. one sweet spot
                   of dose that gives the only hope for healing). Tiina Karu,   6.6.1 Average vs. peak power
                   among others, has shown this to be an invalid assump-
                   tion, and that for a given cell line, there may be several   A word to the wise: for the purpose of therapy lasers,
                   peaks with similar biostimulatory effect separated by   always always always make any decision (purchasing
                   several orders of magnitude of dose. [194]  There will   or protocol selection) based on average power. Again,
                   clearly be a lower limit, below which no effect is possible.   this is the total joules of energy emitted in a second,
                   But I’ll warn you that if some paper claims an upper limit   and given in watts. If you move your focus to surgical
                   – some maximum dose above which there is no effect,   or body contouring or tattoo removal or even equine
                   or some inhibition – they simply may not have mea-  regenerative lasers, then you’ll need to bring peak
                   sured enough of the dose domain to see the next peak.  power into the conversation.
                     With this there also has to be an admission con-
                   cerning the opposite end of the dose spectrum. Most
                   people who preach on the use of higher powers (as               Photo-acoustics
                   we do) quickly dismiss anecdotal reports on the clini-  There are some very cool things you can do when
                   cal efficacy of much lower-powered lasers. And there   you have a very bright laser that emits its light in
                   is certainly a threshold below which no effect will be   very short bursts: those short, but powerful pulses
                   observed. But that threshold, as mentioned here, can be   will force absorption events within the tissue that
                   orders of magnitude different.                      happen faster than the thermal relaxation time of
                                                                       the tissue, which causes the creation of a shock
                     So things treated with a lower dose – or structures   wave. These photo-acoustic waves (so named
                   much deeper into the body treated with a higher dose   because they are caused by light – photo – but
                   – can still be getting the light they need to respond and   end up as shock – acoustic – waves) can permeate
                   repair. However, keep reading for the method to our   farther through tissue than the original light and
                   madness when it comes to using the higher end of the   can mechanically shake the tissue in their path.
                   dose domain.                                        Sometimes this is good for imaging (photo-acoustic
                                                                       imaging), sometimes for bursting trapped ink
                                                                       packets (tattoo removal), sometimes for ablating
                                    6.6 Power                          the water in tissue (surgical), and sometimes even

                   Dose is the accumulation of energy over a given area.   to force the release of growth factors from the
                   How quickly that energy accumulates is dictated by the   extracellular matrix near dormant/hypoxic/necrotic
                   average output power of the laser. Average power is   tissues so as to stimulate healing where the body
                                                                       otherwise wouldn’t (regenerative laser therapy).
                   simply the total energy per unit time, where that unit of

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