Page 68 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
P. 68

54                             Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice

                     Table 6.2 Solar irradiance data from National Renewable Energy Laboratory. [195]
                      Wavelength range                    Irradiance (power density)           Hourly dosage
                                                                (mW/cm )                         (J/cm /h)
                      Total (280–4000 nm)                          100                             360
                      UV (280–400 nm)                              6.4                              23
                      Visible (400–700 nm)                         46                              160
                      Infrared (700–4000 nm)                       48                              170
                      635 ± 20 nm                                  5.8                              21
                      800 ± 20 nm*                                 4.3                              16
                      “Therapeutic window”                         33                              120
                      (700–1100 nm)
                     Note: * Very few people would argue convincingly that 780 or 820 nm radiation has a significantly different therapeutic effect from 800 nm, hence
                     the bandwidth listed here.

                     experimentation, where there is (intentionally) a lack of   cell death) in a way that is characteristic of cells that
                     thermal diffusivity to maintain cell viability. The body,   absorb ionizing radiation (even though they didn’t).
                     on the other hand, is very well suited to deal with both   Accordingly, we have to narrow the scope of individ-
                     internal  and  external  heat  or  cooling  sources.  After   ual cell and single cell monolayer studies to the search
                     all, we live in an environment that ranges from much   for absorption sites and the cellular functions affected
                     cooler to marginally warmer than our internal tem-  by these sites, and stay away from making broader tis-
                     perature; we also have the ability to drink hot coffee or   sue-scale generalizations.
                     hold an ice cube in our mouths without experiencing   I think by now you’ll have had enough of “if you
                     hyper- or hypothermia. To properly simulate this effect   point light into the tissue,” and you’re ready for the
                     in vitro, some microfluidics designed to measure real-  more hands-on chapters that discuss what happens
                     time temperature and simultaneously carry away heat   clinically when you do.
                     would have to be employed.
                        In any case, it is clear that while  in vitro experi-  Summary from a
                     mentation is absolutely necessary to isolate individual   different perspective
                     chromophore absorption characteristics and cellular
                     mechanisms of action, the Petri dish environment is
                     quite different from our bodies. This idea resonates   Keep in mind the type of absorption we talk about
                     throughout the entire biological community: the reac-  in laser therapy (Fig. 6.4), but also how much this
                     tion of a macroscopic matrix of cells that form tissue is   is influenced by wavelength, and the type and
                     NOT the sum of the reactions of each of the individ-  color of the tissue. Remember to keep the beam
                     ual cells. One of the great mysteries of biology involves   perpendicular! (See Fig. 6.5.) Pulses have some
                     the complexity of cell–cell signaling and the ubiquity   advantages, but don’t just focus on their peak
                     of bystander effects. A prime example of this intrin-  power. Average power is always what defines
                     sic communication is in radiation oncology, where   how much energy a laser will deliver in a given
                     researchers have used X-ray needles (microscopically   time. We need enough power density to have a
                     narrow beams of X-rays)  to irradiate individual  cells   therapeutic impact, but not so much as to cause
                     growing in a monolayer. Amazingly, cells far away from   any thermal damage to cells or make the patient
                     the irradiated region received information from the   feel any discomfort. Laser therapy should always
                     irradiated cells and underwent apoptosis (programmed   feel pleasant to neutral for the patient.

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