Page 69 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
P. 69


                       Pointing light at soft tissue: clinical applications

                     The wound is the place where the light enters you.  condition described. In general, both dose and power
                                                          — Rumi     will have to vary according to the following factors.

                   Previous chapters have included a lot of references   •  The depth of the condition: treating a superficial
                   about what has been published in different fields; you   wound  is  different  than  treating  a  deep fistula  or
                   will also find some here, but the focus is more on prac-  otitis in the external ear canal. The deeper the target,
                   tical clinical tips and experience-based advice, which I   the higher the dose you need on the surface of the
                   hope will help you in daily practice.                patient, since most of it will be lost in the tissues in
                     Some  particular  soft  tissue  conditions  will  be  dis-  between. But of course, trying to deliver a high dose
                   cussed in this chapter; since the list of applications is   with a high power may excessively heat the surface –
                   so extensive and still growing, it is unlikely that all of   a surface that can be sensitive enough already, with
                   them will be included, but you will get the foundations   a wound or inflammation – so the power used in
                   and examples to help you infer the appropriate treat-  wounds is lower than in musculoskeletal conditions.
                   ment regime to apply when faced with a potential new   Some wounds will require higher doses than some
                   case. Muscles and ligaments are soft tissue but will be   musculoskeletal cases, though, but always delivered
                   covered in Chapter 9, together with bone problems, in   using a lower power, which means a longer delivery
                   the sections on musculoskeletal conditions (see 9.3 and   time.
                   9.4).                                             •  The chronicity of the process: after acute damage
                                                                        to the body, its repair mechanisms are activated;
                      7.1 General treatment considerations              what we try to do with LT is push those mechanisms
                                  and parameters                        in the right direction and in the shortest time pos-
                                                                        sible, and a lower dose is usually enough. But very
                   After all that’s been said in Chapter 6, some of the fol-  often in chronic wounds, the body’s resources seem
                   lowing information may seem redundant. Nevertheless,   insufficient or altered, and we need to “wake up”
                   becoming completely familiar with laser therapy (LT)   those mechanisms with a higher dose, and also a
                   and its parameters requires repetition, so many basic   slightly higher power.
                   calculations are detailed again.

                                     7.1.1 Dose                                        7.1.2 Power

                   Soft tissue treatments may include superficial areas,   The  power (W) used in soft tissue conditions usu-
                   such as skin wounds, but also deeper targets, such as   ally ranges from 1 to 6 W. There are several related
                   intrathoracic structures. The dose range can be as broad   parameters and treatment techniques this decision will
                   as 1 to 30 J/cm : you will find suggestions under each     influence (and be influenced by).

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