Page 71 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
P. 71

Pointing light at soft tissue: clinical applications          57

                   If you are treating a patient that seems somehow              7.1.3 Pulsing frequencies
                   uncomfortable with the LT, check and try the following.
                                                                     You can deliver your desired dose either with the light
                   •  What are the power output and the power density?   always “on” (CW), or by pulsing it with different fre-
                      You can decrease power density by decreasing power   quencies. CW is the fastest way to deliver your treat-
                      output but also by increasing the spot size of the   ment compared to modulated frequency (Hz; light is
                      beam. Depending on the manufacturer, this can be   on/off and the energy is only delivered when it is on)
                      accomplished by adjusting an integrated “zoom” dial   but will also give the patient a warmer sensation. It will
                      (which moves an internal lens closer to/farther from   also increase blood flow more, which is something that
                      the fiber termination), increasing/decreasing the col-  can be worth considering (think for instance about a
                      limation of the treatment beam or selecting a treat-  distal wound with compromised vascularization in that
                      ment head with a wider diameter, or defocusing by   limb). Pulsing the light has shown biological benefits for
                      increasing the distance to the surface of the patient.   wounds. The range of effective pulses described is very
                      In most cases, this will suffice to improve comfort.   broad, though, from 2.5 Hz to 20,000 Hz. [48, 201]  You can
                      Note that if you decrease power, you will decrease the   read a detailed discussion about pulsing in Chapter 8.
                      final amount of energy applied, unless you compen-
                      sate for this by increasing the treatment time.
                                                                                    7.1.4 How often?

                                                                     Generally speaking, acute conditions need a more frac-
                      Compensating for decreased power               tioned treatment (lower doses but more often) and
                                                                     chronic conditions  often need higher doses  to “wake
                    Imagine you wanted to deliver 300 J over a certain
                    area, using 4 W, which would take you 75 seconds.   up” the metabolism again, but once some improvement
                    The patient seems uncomfortable, and one of the   is noted they can be treated less often.
                    things you can do is treat with a lower power,      These are examples of general treatment regimes,
                    such as 2 W. But then, if you were to treat for the   but there is some flexibility. The frequency of treatment
                    same 75 seconds, the delivered amount of energy   should be discussed with the owner, since it generally
                    would drop to 150 J. If you still want to deliver 300   implies several appointments (although maybe not long
                    J, you should be treating for 150 s. In other words,   visits). Particularly for wounds, treatments should be
                    if you use half the power, you need to double the   coordinated with bandage changes as much as possi-
                    treatment time.                                  ble. More treatment regimes are described under each

                   •  What is your hand speed? You can’t move faster   •  Acute conditions: treat daily for 2–3 days, then
                      than the speed of light, but you can move faster   every 48 h for 2–3 more treatments, and then twice
                      than the speed of heat. So if you find that the surface   a week if needed until resolution.
                      temperature trailing the treatment area is getting   •  Chronic conditions: treat every 48 h until you see a
                      warmer, increase the speed of treatment. But make   clinical response, then decide if twice a week will be
                      sure you are getting uniform coverage of the area.  enough. In some cases, such as otitis, a weekly dose
                   •  What are the wavelengths used? Darker coats       or another maintenance regime is needed for some
                      will absorb more energy, especially with lower    time to prevent relapse.
                   •  What is the temperature of the patient? A cold            7.2 Wounds and burns
                      skin has a lower threshold for thermal discomfort
                      and pain than a warm one.                      Wound healing is the most documented benefit of LT,
                   •  What area are you treating? Areas with a thinner   and since it is such a safe therapy, it should be consid-
                      skin can be more sensitive.                    ered in almost every case in which you want to stimu-
                   •  Try decreasing or eliminating the  time you work   late healing, decrease inflammation, and treat pain.
                      with continuous wave (CW) (as opposed to pulsed   (NOTE: remember, of course, the contraindications
                      mode), since CW has a more warming effect.     such as malignancies.) The analgesic effect on wounds

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