Page 67 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
P. 67

Light’s path to all these places in the body                53

                                       Spectrum of solar irradiance
                                               ASTM G173-03 Reference Spectra
                                             (Power density at each wavelength)


                    2 nm -1 )
                    (mW cm -    0.11

                    Spectral irradiance   0.07

                       0.05                                                                 ASTM G173-03 Reference Spectra


                          250  400  550  700  850  1000  1150  1300  1450  1600  1750  1900  2050  2200  2350  2500  Figure 6.9 Solar
                                       { {  NIR                                                 by National Renewable
                               {  {
                        Ultraviolet                    Wavelength nm                            irradiance data recorded
                                  Visible    Infrared                                           Energy Laboratory. [195]

                    We may not speed up more tissue growth by treating   do a very first-order thermodynamic calculation to see

                    every 12 hours instead of every 24 hours, but if you   if higher doses even have a chance at biostimulation
                    have an acute inflammation and the animal is     before creating thermal damage.

                               staying overnight at the hospital, why   Imagine we are testing the viability of 100 J/cm  of
                               not benefit from the extra anti-      980 nm radiation on a monolayer of cells in a Petri dish

                               inflammatory effect? I do think you are   with (as standard radiobiology protocols suggest) irra-

                               likely to see a difference in short-term   diation in nutrient-rich growth medium to simulate in

                    inflammation at least, but the truth is that there are   vivo pH and temperature. I won’t go into the back-of-

                    no clinical studies comparing these two treatment   the-envelope calculations, [196]  but suffice it to say that

                    regimes.                                         this amount of energy deposited in the serum would
                                                                     inevitably raise the temperature of the cellular environ-
                                                                     ment well above the viability threshold.
                     6.8 Power density and patient comfort              It is well known that bulk tissue can undergo irrevers-
                                                                     ible tissue damage when raised above 40°C, never mind
                   On the high limit of the dose range, another limitation   in a monolayer of cells with only two degrees of freedom
                   presents itself: one of thermal accumulation. Whatever   to dissipate heat. In fact, this thermal accumulation is
                   energy of radiation is absorbed in the monolayer of   often taken advantage of, and clinical hyperthermia is
                   cells and the serum environment is converted to heat,   an increasingly popular technique in oncology. It turns

                   and in a Petri dish, thermal diffusivity is extremely low.   out, using 980 nm light, that the threshold of thermal
                   Dose is defined as energy density and so the higher the   damage to cell culture would be around 30 J/cm , even

                   dose, the more energy is absorbed, and thus the higher   though we know that light can have a beneficial effect

                   the thermal accumulation. To get a real idea of what   on the body at these doses.
                   contribution this has to the cellular environment, let’s   Remember, this effect is simply an artifact of in vitro

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