Page 61 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
P. 61

Light’s path to all these places in the body                47

                                                Air Medium
                                                                Average distance between absorption events = 1/µa
                                                                             Intensity (depth) = initial intensity x e – µa x depth
                                                                                   exponential decay at a rate of µa

                                                     Mean free path
                                                                      (i.e. average distance between ‘Micro’ scatter events)
                                                                                     = 1/µs
                                                           Reduced mean free path

                                                             (i.e. average distance between ‘Macro’ scatter events at average anisotropy)
                                                                                     = 1/µs
                                                                                                  fur  Soft tissue
                   Absorption                               Complex combination of
                   and scatter                              spread and decay                          Connective

                                                                      Especially when we             Bone
                                                                      add all the dierent tissues
                                                                      that make up anatomy into the picture

                   Figure 6.4 Pictorial representation of absorption, scatter, and the “real-life” combination of both. Illustrator: Elaine Leggett.

                   an ice pack, only the tissue underneath (or very close   energy of the beam incident on a given spot PER UNIT
                   to) the ice pack is getting cold. But with laser, you will   OF TIME and is measured in watts, with 1 watt = 1
                   be administering therapy well outside of where you see   joule per second.
                   the light.                                           I emphasize the word “incident” because we do not

                     This is a good thing, but also leads to some confusion.  talk (in this industry) about the absorbed energy. In
                     There are two critical values: energy and power.   fields that deal with X-rays, we do talk about absorbed

                   Energy is the total energy of the beam INCIDENT at a   dose (in units of energy per volume or energy per mass
                   given spot and is measured in joules. Power is the total   of tissue) because, for X-rays, absorption is the primary

                   Figure 6.5 (a, b) The effect of the angle of the incident beam on light dispersion.

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