Page 106 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 106

88  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                                                                             3.39  Intramembranous ossification: bone
                                                                             of cranium (juvenile dog). Active osteo-
                                                                             blasts form a layer of cells immediately
                                                                             adjacent to the surface of ossifying spic-
                                                                             ules of osteoid. Their cytoplasm is strongly
                                                                             basophilic and their nuclei are typically
                                                                             spherical with nucleoli. Goldner’s Masson
                                                                             trichrome stain (x720).

                   3.40  Processes involved in endochondral ossification in a long bone (schematic). Refer to text for elaboration
                   upon the use of the term ‘chondroclast’.

                   production of non-mineralised bone matrix, the osteo-  the ossification process there is marked growth of blood
                   blasts gradually become walled off and the distance  capillaries into the connective tissue. These blood vessels
                   between them increases. They remain in contact, how-  are accompanied by additional mesenchymal connec-
                   ever, via their cellular processes. The ground substance  tive tissue. Through this early vascularisation, the bone
                   gradually becomes mineralised and osteoblasts transform  tissue establishes itself as a metabolically active mineral
                   into osteocytes. The bone matrix contains predominantly  depot. The formation and resorption of the bone is closely
                   irregularly arranged collagen fibres. At the beginning of  regulated by various hormones (Figure 3.30).

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