Page 107 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 107

Connective and supportive tissues (textus connectivus)  89

                  ENDOCHONDRAL OSSIFICATION                         As ossification is taking place in the diaphysis, chondro-  Endochondral ossification involves the formation of  cytes located at the end of the model become aligned in
                  bone from a template of hyaline cartilage (Figures 3.40  columns. At the same time, mitotic division of the chon-
                  and 3.41). The cartilage also serves as the foundation for  drocytes results in lengthwise growth of the cartilage and
                  lengthwise growth of the bone. This function continues  thus, subsequently, of the bone.
                  until the epiphyseal plate closes.                The processes involved in endochondral ossification of
                     Endochondral ossification incorporates both perichon-  the cartilage template, the eventual degradation of the car-
                  dral ossification and endochondral (intracartilaginous)  tilage and the formation of new bone from mesenchymal
                  ossification.                                  connective tissue can be particularly clearly observed at the
                     Perichondral ossification proceeds according to the  physeal–metaphyseal region between the diaphysis and
                  principles of intramembranous ossification. Chondroblasts  epiphyses. The following zones can be distinguished (from
                  in the perichondrium differentiate into osteoblasts. In  most to least distal to the diaphysis) (Figures 3.40 to 3.42):
                  long bones, transformation of connective into osse-
                  ous tissue begins in the middle of the future diaphysis,   ·  reserve zone,
                  forming a bony collar around the cartilage model. The   ·  zone of proliferation,
                  perichondrium becomes the periosteum. Ossification of   ·  zone of hypertrophy,
                  the diaphysis continues in the direction of the epiphyses.  ·  zone of ossification and
                     As the bony collar develops, the chondrocytes hyper-  ·  zone of resorption.
                  trophy  and  calcify  the surrounding  cartilage  matrix.
                  Calcification of the matrix impedes the supply of nutrition  In the reserve zone, the morphology and arrangement of
                  to the chondrocytes, resulting in their degeneration. At  the chondrocytes is typical of hyaline cartilage. The next
                  the same time, blood vessels penetrate the bony collar and  zone towards the medullary cavity is the relatively wide
                  enter the cartilage. It is considered by some authors that  zone of proliferation. Here the chondrocytes, arranged in
                  these blood vessels are accompanied by chondroclasts (pos-  columns, undergo division. Intercellular matrix is less plen-
                  sibly the same cell type as osteoclasts, see above), which  tiful in this zone and the cells are packed together more
                  break down the remaining cartilage. The space created by  closely. In the zone of hypertrophy, the chondrocytes
                  the degeneration of the cartilage is infiltrated by capillar-  increase in size. The intercellular matrix becomes reduced
                  ies and mesenchymal connective tissue, and the process  to narrow spicules and begins to undergo calcification.
                  of endochondral ossification commences. After differenti-  Within the adjacent zone of ossification, calcification of
                  ating from mesenchymal stem cells, osteoprogenitor cells  the cartilage matrix is completed and the chondrocytes
                  give rise to osteoblasts. These lay down osteoid on remain-  degenerate. At the same time, blood vessels and perivas-
                  ing spicules of calcified cartilage. A constant process of  cular connective tissue invading from within the medullary
                  bone formation and breakdown results in formation of  cavity permit chondroclasts (possibly the same cells as
                  the medullary cavity. Mesenchymal connective tissue in  osteoclasts, see above) to access the zone of ossification,
                  the cavity transforms into haemoreticular tissue, filling the  where they engage in enzymatic digestion of calcified car-
                  cavity with red bone marrow.                   tilage remnants (zone of resorption).

                                                                           Chondrocytes in hyaline-type
                                                                           ground substance

                                                                           Zone of proliferation

                                                                           Zone of hypertrophy

                                                                           Resorption zone with calcified cartilage

                                                                           Mineralised bone matrix

                  3.41  Section of the growth plate between the epiphysis and diaphysis of a long bone (dog). Haematoxylin and
                  eosin stain (x100).

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