Page 113 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 113

Muscle tissue (textus muscularis)   95

                  Fine structure of skeletal muscle cells        dant in the mitochondria of muscle cells. They include  (myocytus striatus skeletalis)               enzymes of the citric acid cycle and those associated with
                  The striated muscle cell is a syncytium formed by the  β-oxidation (in the mitochondrial matrix), cytochrome oxi-
                  fusion of myogenic stem cells (myoblasts). An individual  dase (inner mitochondrial membrane), adenylate kinase
                  cell, also referred to as a muscle fibre, contains over 100  for synthesis of energy-rich phosphates (intermembrane
                  nuclei (Table 4.1). The nuclei are flattened and fusiform  space) and monoamine oxidase (outer membrane). The
                  and are predominantly located peripherally, at the inner  cells contain relatively little rough ER and few free ribo-
                  surface of the plasmalemma (subplasmalemmal).  somes. The sarcoplasm contains glycoprotein as a source of
                     Individual skeletal muscle cells are surrounded by  energy, and the muscle pigment myoglobin for storage of
                  a basal lamina and a meshwork of reticular fibres. This  O . Interspersed between the myofilaments are two struc-
                  casing lies immediately adjacent to the plasmalemma  turally independent yet functionally coupled membrane
                  of the muscle cell (sarcolemma) (Figures 4.7 and 4.8).  systems, the sarcoplasmic reticulum and the T system.

                  A glycoprotein-dystrophin (400 kD) complex connects the
                  sarcolemma to laminin within the basal lamina.  SARCOPLASMIC RETICULUM
                     At regular intervals, tubular invaginations of the sar-  The sarcoplasmic reticulum forms a fenestrated system
                  colemma pass deep into the sarcoplasm forming the  of membranes around individual myofibrils (Figure 4.7). It
                  structural framework of the transverse tubular (T) system  incorporates Ca /Mg -dependent ATPase and acts as an
                  of striated muscle cells (see below).          intracellular reservoir for free Ca . The primary function
                                                                 of this network of cisternae is the intracellular transport
                  SARCOPLASM                                     of Ca  and thus regulation of muscle contraction. Where
                  A substantial portion of the sarcoplasm is occupied by  two adjacent networks meet, the sarcoplasmic reticulum
                  myofibrils. The organelles are displaced to the periphery,  expands into terminal cisternae (see below).
                  near the nuclei, and between the contractile filaments of
                  the myofibrils.                                TRANSVERSE TUBULAR SYSTEM
                     Golgi apparatuses are located near the nuclei. They are  The longitudinally oriented, variable calibre cisternae of
                  usually relatively small. Mitochondria (sarcosomes) are  the sarcoplasmic reticulum are interposed between tubular
                  arranged in parallel rows among the myofibrils. Enzymes  invaginations of the plasmalemma, the transverse tubu-
                  associated with the electron transfer chain and oxidative  lar system (T system) (Figures 4.7, 4.11, 4.13 and 4.14).
                  phosphorylation (ATP–ADP cycle) are particularly abun-  The interior of the T system is continuous with the extra-

                                     Muscle cell
                                    Blood vessel
                            Sarcoplasmic reticulum
                                      T system

                                                       I        A
                                                      Z         M          Z
                                 Myosin filament

                                  Actin filament

                  4.7  Light histological and fine structure of skeletal striated muscle (schematic). Refer to text for explanation
                  of labelling of the sarcomere.

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