Page 114 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 114

96  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                   cellular compartment. The tubules of the T system form  characteristic banding pattern (light and dark) arising  ring-like anastomoses yet are separated from the terminal  from the ordered, parallel arrangement of their compo-
                   cisternae of the sarcoplasmic reticulum by a space. The  nent myofilaments (Figures 4.7 to 4.14). The bands can be
                   region in which two terminal cisternae of the sarcoplas-
                                                                  distinguished on the basis of their refractive properties:
                   mic reticulum lie adjacent to a tubule of the T system is
                   referred to as a triad (Figure 4.7).             ·  isotropic, monorefringent (= light) I bands and
                      The T system enables rapid transmission of the nerve   ·  anisotropic, birefringent (= dark) A bands.
                   impulse (depolarisation with influx of sodium) from the cell
                   membrane to the interior of the cell and facilitates coordi-  These bands are bisected by transverse bands of different
                   nated contraction of the whole muscle fibre. At the triads, the  density:
                   impulse  is  transmitted  to  the  sarcoplasmic  reticu-
                   lum, from which Ca  is released. Ca  thus acts as   ·  The I band is bisected by a dense intermediate disc
                   a mediator between electrical stimulation at the cell   (‘Zwischenscheibe’) termed the Z line.
                   membrane and contraction of the myofibrils within the    ·  The A band is bisected by a less dense region (H band)
                   cell.                                              which in turn is bisected by the narrow, dense M line.
                      A single muscle fibre is estimated to contain around
                   1000 myofibrils. In longitudinal section, these exhibit a

                   4.8  Skeletal muscle fibres in the tongue (dog). The nuclei are located peripherally (at the sarcoplasmic surface
                   of the sarcolemma). In transverse section, the arrangement of myofibrils produces a faint mosaic-like effect
                   (Cohnheim fields). Individual muscle cells are surrounded by endomysium, muscle fasciculi are invested by
                   perimysium. Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x180).

                                                                            Endomysium with fibrocyte nucleus
                                                                            Anisotropic, birefringent (dark) A band
                                                                            Isotropic, monorefringent (light) I band

                   4.9  Skeletal muscle fibres in the tongue (dog). Longitudinal section with periodic isotropic and anisotropic
                   cross-banding. Iron haematoxylin stain (x1000).

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